It is with extreme displeasure that I inform you all the the first Midwestrocker blog series, "Reasons Why I Wish I Experienced the 80's and Reasons I'm Glad I Missed the 70's," has been canceled.
The primary reason for this decision is a complete lack of creativity on the part of the series' creator. It turns out that it's difficult to write about two periods of time without actually having experienced them, and even more difficult to have an absolute, definitive opinion on something that you only have vague knowledge of. I don't know how politicians do it.
Another part of the cancelation is the profile view count. It hasn't increased by very much, and it's May Sweeps, people! We have to keep those eyeballs glued! ;)
We will not be showing the remaining episodes.
Now, on to other things. Tomorrow I'm going to Florida for my cousin's sweet-sixteen. It should be a nice trip, but it'll be a rough drive. See, my part of the country is under siege. Georgia hasn't seen this much fire since Sherman. Foggy smoke has been visible on and off throughout the state for two weeks, and the scent of burning leaves and pine cones fills the air. More troublesome, contact lens wearers (including myself) have had to get special prescriptions to deal with the irritation and red eye. But so far I haven't been directly confronted by these fires, until now. Tomorrow I will be driving right through the mess. The portion of 1-75 that's been blocked off for the past couple of days is exactly the portion that I use to get myself to Mickeyland. So I'm not sure how this is going to work; am I going to be rerouted somehow through back roads and swamps, or should I go out to Interstate 95 and go down that way? But wait, if I went to I-95 I'd have to go through the Okefenokee swamp, which is also going up in smoke. Oh, I guess I can go to 1-95 via I-10, which would actually be a nice drive. Wait, that's on fire too? Hmmm. I guess this is an appropriate depiction of the current situation. Also, next month I'll be heading up to Duluth, Minnesota to see family and, apparently, it's on fire too. Great. I'm beginning to feel singled out. Just wish me luck, I guess.
Speaking of cancelations, tomorrow they air the last episode of the Gilmore Girls. We just recently started watching that show, thus proving that my affection is the kiss of death for a TV show. Apparently, Battlestar Galactica's getting canned too. You better watch your back, Heroes, because in the last month I've gotten two shows canceled and I've ensured that Lost has an end date! Alias only survived 8 months of my fandom before it was dumped. And you're about to be my favorite show, so that = doom. But back to the Gabmore Girls: Will Luke and Lorelai end up together? Will Rory ride off into the sunset with a special someone? Surprisingly, I don't really care. It was a funny show, and it's run its course. Goodbye, fast-talking pop-culture referencers. You shall be missed a little bit.
That's all for today. I hope you guys all have a great week and don't bombard my house with eggs because of the cancelation. That is, if you could get to my house without going through an inferno.
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