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262 Names

They just don't know when to stop, do they? I just clicked on "New Blog Post," and what did I see? An ad! More than an ad, an entirely different page. I was taken to some kind of survey page, where I was asked "What kind of cable or satellite service do you receive?" I can't believe that! It's not enough that the whole site is falling apart, but now we're being redirected to survey pages? No wonder all of the problems we're having aren't being fixed: they are too busy coming up with new and unseemly ways to make money. Oh well. The turnout yesterday was excellent. The spreasheet full of votes now has over 262 names. :o Many of them, however, were the same. The person with the most nominations was _______ and they had 28! The second most was ________ and they had 24, and the third most was ________ and they had 22 (enjoy filling those blanks... privately). I would like to thank all of you for both your votes, and the speed with which you voted. It just poured in; At 10 o'clock yesterday I checked my messages and had 3. I looked at those, put their votes in the spreadsheet then checked my messages again at 10:10. And I had 3 more! It was very fun and I thank all of you for participating. That's it for today. I'm going to spend a bit of time away from the site today, so I'll see you guys tomorrow. :)