Deus Ex Machina
by Midwestrocker on Comments
Yesterday, something amazing happened. It was about 9 in the morning when it dawned on me that other people's submissions to guides were being accepted before mine. Mine were sitting in the QotD rotting while other people submitting the same information were getting it accepted. And I could not deal with that. I went to the last resort. I sent a PM to Missribs at 9:30. And had to get off the site. I checked on the site at about 4:30 in the afternoon from my grandma's house and to my surprise I had 63 new messages. 62 of them were "Your submission has been accepted" and one of them was from Missribs saying "I'll take a look at them today!" And I was like "Wow." *jaw dropped* I checked my submission history and all 102 of my pending submissions had been accepted. That's not much to some of you guys, but to me that's a truckload. I've probably had enough accepted to become editor of 5 people when the CPs run again. Thank you to Missribs. You have restored all my trust and confidence in To know that there are people at Cnet that actually care about us is extremely heart-warming. If any of you reading this have tons of submissions that have been sitting in the QotD for more than two weeks, send her a PM and everything will be good again. Okay, now on to real-life for a moment. I have lots of plans for today. My Grandma, two of my aunts and I are going to see "Walk the Line" today at noon. They're fans of Johnny Cash's music, and I'm a fan of his personality. It looks like it's going to be pretty good. :) Then we're going to come home, fetch the remaining members of my family, have steak (Mmmm... steak) and play board games. Of course, we'll never play my favorite game, Risk. We've had it for six months and only played it for 20 minutes; I thought those 20 minutes were totally awesome, but I guess I'm alone in that. I'm constantly asking people to play Risk with me, but I've had no takers. So that's my day today. I won't have too much time for blopping, submitting, or anything else, so please keep that in mind. :) Hope you all have a great Saturday (Or Sunday, it's already Sunday in some parts of the world). TTYL.