Hey Everyboody!
by Midwestrocker on Comments
When Craig Ferguson says "Hey everybody" in his Scottish accent, it sounds like "Hey Everyboody." And I love that. I've started saying it all the time. It really bugs my real life friends, which is part of the reason I keep doing it, and the reason I'm going to introduce it here. :) So to all of you I say "Hey Everyboody!" I just got back from getting my hair cut, and it didn't go so well. That's what I get for having my haircut at JC Penney's; they don't really have a lot of experience with men's hair. I came out looking like Friar Tuck. But anyway, while I was getting it done a man interrupted the muzak on the overhead radio and said "Attention J.C. Penney shopper: When was the last time you loved your hair? (my hairdresser laughed when he said this) Head down to the J.C. Penney Hair Salon to get your hair fixed up the way you want it, ya varmints (or something to that effect)." I was wondering why my hairdresser laughed at this when she answered that question all on her own: "I always laugh when he says that, because it doesn't make any sense." I said "What doesn't?" And she said "When he says 'When was the last time you rubbed your head?'" And I chuckled a bit and said "I think he said 'When was the last time you loved your hair?'" "Oh, that would make more sense," she said, and it was done. But the whole time I was sitting there, I was thinking about it. It just kept getting funnier in my head. She said she "always" laughed when he said that, meaning that for quite some time she thought the man on the radio was saying "When was the last time you rubbed your head?" And I had a hard time controlling myself. I couldn't actually laugh, because then she'd say "What's so funny?" and I couldn't tell her. It was so hard to hold it in. I tried thinking about different things, like baseball, politics, or ice cream, but I kept going back to it. And then I started spasming a little bit with laughter. I was fighting it so hard that my body kind of jolted a little when I thought about it. :lol: But she didn't notice, until I had done it about 8 times, and after the 8th she said "Oh, did that tickle?" :) And that's my boring story for today. :D If you haven't voted for the January 2006 Superlatives, do it now! Because voting ends at midnight tonight. If you don't vote, Mariah Carey will crack your head open with an incredibly high note. (Witchinsider, what do you think of those? :P) That's it for today. Stay strong and have a happy thursday.