I have ANOTHER browser.
by Midwestrocker on Comments
It came with my AIM upgrade. It's the "AOL Explorer" and I'm not quite sure what to think of it. It's somewhat fast and offers tabbed browsing, but I haven't come across too much that would make want to use this over Opera. It's very slick, and I like that, but slick doesn't make useful. I'm going to keep it around, and maybe I'll use it every once in awhile to spice things up. Moving along... have you ever been to Flickr.com? It's awesome. I recently set up an account, but my pictures suck. I didn't think they did, but after seeing other people's pictures, I... I... can't talk about it. This browser is still better that IE. Maybe their next version will be better, maybe it will add something new. Like extensions! That would be awesome. I went shopping for new computers with my grandmother yesterday. We picked up a nice HP Pavillion at Circuit City. It's a media center, it's got tons of RAM, it's I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT got a very cool dvd recorder, and it comes with a subscription to PC Magazine. I'm very happy WANT A NEW COMPUTER for her. We get a computer about every three years, so we're due next year. Maybe we'll be able to get "Longhorn." Maybe we'll be able to get a media center, with tv tuners. That WANT IT would be awesome. Today is Scifi Friday, my favorite day of the week. Four hours of non-stop science fiction and Best Week Ever. A Pop-Culture geeks paradise. What are "Chanells?" This browser says it has channels. I'm curious, but I don't want to click the "Channels" button in case I lose everything I've typed... oh well. I'll copy and paste. I'm back... Chanells are awesome! The Television "Channel" has a big page full of Battlestar videos, including a preview of tonight's show, which is awesome. I actually like this browser now. On the TV subject, I've been watching Showtime and HBO On Demand, specifically Weeds and Entourage. What can I say? I'm a sucker for hype. They were surprisingly awesome. I've always thought that the premium TV was only good for giving people a false feeling of superiority, like "The common folk watch CSI; I watch Six Feet Under." I'm not saying that's no longer true, I'm just acknowledging the fact that I'm in on it now. Well, I'm going to go explore some more channels, catch ya later.