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Indecision leads to Democracy once more!

If there was a Middleton, Nevada, I would be very freaked out right now. For some reason my mouse wandered over to the Wikipedia search box and my hands typed in "Middleton Nevada." I can't really explain how this happened, I'm just glad that's not a real place because I don't have time to go to Nevada. Which is what I would have done; I've watched Battlestar Galactica enough to know that prophesies cannot be ignored.

I'm thinking about doing a series of blogs. Maybe 5 or so blogs on one particular issue. I have a few ideas, but I'm not quite sure which one I should use. So I'm invoking the old and might tool of Democracy once more. Vote for one of these topics to be first Midwestrocker Blog Series:

  1. Foreign Nations: I'll do a blog on five different countries based on my opinions of them, various interesting facts, and things about them that scare me. The only nation I know for sure would be in this is Germany, and the "scary" part shouldn't be difficult to imagine.
  2. On the bubble TV shows: I'll write four blogs about shows that could be canceled and why I think they should, or shouldn't be.
  3. The five best Radiohead songs: This is a gag option. Do not vote for this.
  4. Hot-button Issues: I'll blog on things like Don Imus and... hmmm, whatever hot button issue comes up between now and then.
  5. Learning about things: I'll write five blogs in which I pick a subject I know nothing about and research it silly trying to understand. The first thing would be "Currency." I just don't quite get how these little pieces of paper work. Do they represent gold? Does this mean I could trade in my dollars for a little piece of Fort Knox?
  6. Reasons why I wish I'd experienced the 80s and reasons why I'm glad I missed the 70s: I'd write five blogs about things I wish I could have seen in the 80s, and things I'm glad I didn't see in the 70s.

Okay, I think that's plenty of options. Votes are appreciated either in the comments or in PM. And for the apathetic non-voters, here's the question of the day.

QotD: When did you get your first computer, and what was that like?

That's all for now. TTYL and thanks for reading. :)