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My First Year of

Yesterday was my one year anniversary of use. :)  But due to an internet outage, I couldn't post anything.  Today I'm going to celebrate a year of (even though I haven't been too active in the last few months) by looking back on the highlights of the past year, starting with my very first post.  Yes, Danasdude did this first. ;)

6/17/05: My first blog post.  It was very short and no one seemed to notice, but isn't that how we all started?  Also on that day, I picked out my first banner, started posting and submitting, and began stalking the folks that would eventually be my friends.  A second blog post that day got my very first blog comment, from Honeybuzzer.  I haven't heard much about him lately, but it seems he's still around.

6/22/05: Retroactive Postings!  I hope my bringing this up doesn't cause the space time continum to explode...

8/05/2005: First comment by a current friend.  Wow, it took me a month and a half to make a friend?  I had no idea I was blogging all by myself for that long.  In some ways, that was a very fun time because I had a goal; I wanted a high level, a bunch of friends, and an editorship.  Even though I don't really have any of those things, I don't have a real goal.

8/30/2005: My first post with five comments.  It was about Engrish, one of my favortie sites on the web. 

9/18/05: The Emmys take place on my birthday, and Lost wins one.  It was a fun night. :)

9/25/05: My first post with hidden messages... see if you can find them. 

10/01/05: My first blog post with more that 10 comments.  It was about "bloop," a modern sea monster.  I managed to tie that in to TV somehow, because that was back when I was still trying. ;) 

10/08/05: Gamespot and MP3 become, and I'm pushed a little too far.

10/13/05: My first foray into the now defunct CoBB.  I got my blue box from Im2Crazy4U, and, in comparison to the most recent ones, it was pretty primitive.

10/14/05: I start Six Degrees of  It didn't catch on.

10/16/05: I complete the first (and apparently last) census of the CoBB.  At least half of the people listed there are either gone or not around very much anymore.

10/23/05: "Fill in the Blank" becomes a regular part of my blog.  It didn't last very long.

10/26/05: I get my first editorship, Terry O'Quinn, while sick with a horrible ear infection.

11/03/05: I named my butterfly Navi, after the Fairy in Zelda.  Wow, I've joined a lot of clubs.

11/09/05: I start getting fatigue

11/11/05: The first "Superlatives" begins.  It was really fun to do, and it forced me to learn all about spreadsheets.  Vote counting is hard.

11/16/05: I wrote a somewhat long blog (considering the subject matter) about Dr. Phil.  I'm now the editor of his guide, and I completely forgot about this.

11/18/05: The end of the first Superlatives.

11/20/05: I had nothing to write about, thus the blog rerun was born.  Several other people began doing blog reruns, and that was fun.  There are a lot of great blogs out there that no one has read, so when you actually have people reading your blog you should bring back the old ones when you have nothing better to do.

11/21/05: I grab the editorships of five people!  Yunjin Kim, Bill Clinton, Stephen Colbert, and David Caruso.  Some people do that every day, but it was a pretty big deal for me.  Also, I officially joined the links union as the "Duke of Infotainment."

11/22/05: My current banner debuts, and I explained every part of it.

11/28/05: I expirement with colorful blogs.  It's these moments that you ask yourself, "What was I thinking?"

12/06/05: Midwestrocker goes to Disney!  And the week I look back on as my best on the site begins.

12/08/05: Friends and I protest the ad banners that appear on our profiles with a protest banner that I made.

12/09/05: I help Angelsxo make a tribute blog for Missribs.  Also, I discovered a way to track blog popularity.

12/20/05: The whole "Corn Allergy" thing begins.  Update: I don't really think I'm allergic to corn anymore, that was probably some kind of psycho somatic problem.  I recently had a pizza from Pizza Hut with no trouble.  It. Was. Perfect.

12/28/05: I become Community Spotlight!  I was the last one of 2005 and the first of 2006 (technically).

1/02/06: breaks my photobucket account.

1/05/06: I take my first planned break from the site, because I'm bored with it.

1/30/06: I stop submitting to the site in an effort to make it less stressful.  I kept it up until just after the redesign, and I haven't submitted anything since.

2/13/06: The second round of superlatives begins with a nomination round.  All in all, the nomination round made things a bit more fun; there were a lot more winners that way.  It made it twice as hard to count the votes, but that was okay.  On 2/17/06 the nominees were announced, and on 2/24/06 the winners received their medals.

2/20/06: Times get grim on the site, with a mass exodus of folks to "the other one."  I tried to balance myself between the two until it got to be too much.  In hindsight, it probably wasn't a very smart thing to do.

3/17/06: I got a car!

4/11/06: This blog on frazzing effectively marks the end of my regular posting. 

4/19/06: The site is renovated, and I come back for a little while and submit enough to gain editroship of Dr. Phil's guide.

5/09/06: I blog about my problems.

6/18/06: I write a very long recap of my first year on the site. :)

So that's it.  It has been a lot of fun looking back on all of this stuff.  I had totally forgotten what an interesting year I've had.  It's been fun, it's been hard, and it's been full of smileys. ;)  I'd like to thank all you guys for a great year.  Adios.