Skip Straight to the Questions... Please!
by Midwestrocker on Comments
I haven't been around in a while, because I've been feeling yucky. And that's as much as I want to say about it. I realize that I have been constantly complaining about various health problems ever since I came to the site, and I don't want to do it anymore. The strange thing is that I never, ever, had this many health problems before I came to this site. Maybe Howdy Doody is trying to kill me... Either way, I feel a lot better when I'm not in my house (It's stuffy and hot in here... we have air problems) so I spend a lot of time outside, wandering about. So that's why I'm not here too much anymore. I miss blogging, blopping, and all my friends. :( But hopefully, I'll find some kind of remedy. In other news, I got my learner's permit! Woot woot! Unfortunately, I'm not insured on any of my family vehicles, nor will I ever be, so it will go virtually unused. Still, it's nice to have it. My last blog entry was one of the funnest (for me) that I've ever done. I think I'm going to regularly do three questions every day from now on. Or, at least everytime I don't have something important to say. We all know that the majority of people who see questions on a blog jump straight to those, answer them, then continue on their way. We don't talk about it much, but it's true. ;) To counter that, I'm going to try to come up with especially difficult questions that will require actual thought. Bwahahaha! :lol: Here they are: QotD: What's your favorite decade (has to be one you lived in) and why? QotD 2: Which current television character has the best life (most comfortable, most full of love, etc.)? QotD 3: What was your favorite subject in school? Least favorite? There you go. :) By the way, you guys are very good at answering questions. Keep up the good work. :D