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So I saw the pilot of "Commander in Chief" tonight and thought it was pretty good. The acting was great and the story was reasonbly good. I find it a little hard to believe that a Republican presidential candidate would pick an independent woman with little experience as his running mate, but I'm willing to overlook it. :) I'm expecting this one to do well. I'm not really leveling up very much anymore. I went up 8% today. I guess I'm just not in the mood to spend alot of time submitting, writing reviews, and posting on forums. Like Happy does. Tomorrow we have the second episodes of Lost's second season and Invasion. With any luck we'll get at least one answer to something on either show. I'm up to my neck in questions at this point and there's only so much I can take. :x ETA: Two mentions of my state tonight! Jon Stewart showed a clip of our governor talking about how he cancelled Georgia's school for two days due to fuel shortages. And Jay Leno also made a Sonny Perdue joke (kind of). I know I seem a little too excited, but we're a very neglected state. :) And also, Jennifer Garner let it be known that her baby was a girl.