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Almost Done With The School Year...

Yeah...ALMOST. :P I have 6 days of school left and two of them are half-days. I mean...I know that a lot of you are probably getting out of school much earlier than me but ah well...I don't really care. :P Good for you if you're already out...I could care less. :P Kidding. :P Anyways...yeah...I'm almost there...and I'm glad about that. School's been kinda stressful for the past few days with finals and all that sorta stuff so that's why I haven't been doing as much online as I usually would be. Anyways...I've already taken my History and ELA finals, I have my Math one on Monday, my Latin one on Tuesday, and my Italian one on Wednesday. After that I'm all set. :D I can't wait for the year to be over. Then I'll be a Freshman at high-school. Kinda weird to say that I'll be in high-school next year...and I don't ever haveta make any transitions...I'm staying right at BLS...and no...I didn't stay back a year...BLS begins in the 7th grade and ends at the end of Senior year. Anyways...I can't wait until school's over. :D

One thing that I'm really glad about is that I've already started on my Summer Reading and I'm not even out of school yet! :D I've already read "The Color Of Water" and taken notes on that and I'm a little over half way done with "Rocket Boys" and I've also taken notes on that. I'm gonna buy my third required book, "The Cat's Eye", tomorrow at a book-store that I just so happen to have a gift-card for that I've never used. So...once I get my required books out of the way I haveta read two more books of my choosing from a decent sized summer reading list on Anyways...I think I'm making good progress with that and I'll be done with summer reading in no time. And by the way...I take notes when I read because on one of the first few days of school we have a test on the books that we were supposed to read so I can have those to study from...and because when I'm done reading a book I don't just go and type the report...I plan to do those all on one day when I'm done reading all my books cuz I can. :P And when I'm on summer break since I'll have nothing to do I can read at a much quicker pace and set higher page-reading goals for the day.

Now getting onto my day. My school day was okay. We took our ELA final today and it was wicked easy...and I mean...WICKED EASY! Probably the easiest test I've taken all year actually... :P I didn't have much stuff to carry home today for homework but I had like 4 hours worth of stupid Latin homework! Ugh...Mr. Chavero's beginning to get on my nerves. He wants to have us finish translating the Hercules stories for next year but maybe that wouldn't be a problem if he actually have us the Fabulae Romanae books before the fourth term! But ah...I guess some work won't kill me...only my mom can kill me for playing in the mud. :P Anyways...other than that my day was pretty good. My dad came to pick me up and now I'm at his place.

I don't have much else to say in this blog... :P I thought I would have more to say but I guess I don't. :P Well...the only reas purpose of this blog was just to let you all know that I'm not too busy to make a blog right now and that I'm getting there. Bye! -MightyBFan25 (who is now determined to ace all her remaining final exams by the way.)