Okay...I know that Christopher Columbus Day isn't until tomorrow (which is why I have Monday off from school)...but today is the day when the Christopher Columbus Day Parade thingy takes place. My dad and little brother are going to it but I refuse to go. And now I'mgonna rant angrily about him in the rest of this paragraph. Okay...I'm sure at least some of you know this already (if not everyone) but Christopher Columbus didn't discover America...I mean...he technically did but that wasn't what he was looking for. He was really looking for an all-water route to Asia or something like that (I'm not that good at History...I'm like a genius with every other subject...just not History. :P ) and he got lost and found America. And when he got there...he wasn't nice. Christopher Columbus and his men ended up killing 99.9% of the Arawak Indians! So he's basically a murderer...actually...he IS a murderer! And he couldn't even pay for his own trip...and he wasn't even funded by his own country! So basically he was just wasting another country's money! Anyways...I have more that I could say about this guy but I'm gonna end this rant so you actually have time to read the rest of this blog. :P So...that's why I'm not going to the parade today...I'm not gonna go to some event that honors a murderer! I don't care what you say or do...I'm not going! Now let's get on with this blog... :P
So far everything with school's been going pretty good. I know that as of right now I have A's in all my classes (with the exception of History and Band. :P ) so that's pretty good. I really hope that I get an A in History this term and an A in Band so I can get Approbation With Distinction. I KNOW I can get Approbation at BLS...now I'm trying for Approbation With Distinction. Anyways...I'm almost done with that giant wave of projects...well...technically...I AM done with that giant wave of projects. :P All I haveta do on Monday is print out my English paper, get my progress reports signed (I dunno why...they're all good. :P ), and then I'm gonna work a little bit on this Latin project that's not due until January. :P Yeah...that's about it. And everything aside from school has been going pretty good too...I haven't had any problems with my mom lately...probably because I'm too busy doing homework for five hours to bother her. :P The only bad thing is that lately I haven't had that much time to go outside and so stuff or go to the park or play any pranks on peoples or play in the mud because I've been busy with school... I'm not ever gonna quit that but I just wanted to mention that...the only time I can do any of that stuff now is during my spare time on the weekends. (It seems like the weekends have become the perfect time for me to take care of projects so I even have work then. :P ) But...ah...it's never gonna be abolished from my life. :P It's probably for the best that I'm not always doing that stuff anyways. :P
Before I end this blog I just wanna mention that I was actually thinking about leaving this site a few days ago but I mean...now it seems like there's a lot of activity on the forums (or at least...much more than before. :P ) and the most recent Mighty B! Discussion was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...even if I did leave I probably woulda only left for a few days or something but I just wanted to mention that. If you're ticked off at me for that...please feel free to do something to me. :P
That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Later today when the Christopher Columbus Day Parade's over I'm probably gonna actually leave the house to go on a walk or go to the park. :P I wanna go play in the mud but I don't think I should because I'm kinda sick right now and I think that doing that would just make things worse and I wanna get better soon because I hate being sick. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)