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Back To School And It Wasn't Too Bad... :)

Yeah, today was my first day back to school after February Break and it actually didn't was actually a pretty good day, surprisingly. :P My day was good and normal, nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened for the most part. :P It was just a normal Day 5 at my school so I had all my normal classes plus PE and a study. I got some work done in my study so I only had Latin homework when I got home and I already did that a few minutes ago. :D And in Math and ELA class we had to do this city-wide testing thing that was really easy and took the whole class. :D And PE was good, all we did was play kickball which was fun. :P The only wierd thing was that when we walked into the locker room the lights weren't on for some odd reason so it was a little creepy. :P But after class when we came back to the locker room the lights were back on though. :P And that's about all I really haveta say about today. :P I thought that today was gonna be horribly but it was actually pretty good. :D And I've already done all my homework and I practiced my Declamation tonight too. I'm gonna be declaiming not this Tuesday but next Tuesday and I already know exactly what I'm doing so I'm gonna do AWETHUM just like last time probably. :D That's all I haveta say about school-related things. :P

One thing that I'm glad about is that I'm pretty much all better and I'm not sick anymore. :D So now I don't haveta take that medicine that makes me out of it and crazy or tired. :D :P So now if I do anything stupid it's purely due to my own stupidity. :lol: :P But I'm glad about that and I feel great right now. :D I'm off the whacky pills (really it's just the Tylenol night and day medicine pills), I'm not sick anymore, and I'm probably gonna go outside later today for a walk or to go to the park. :D :P Actually...screw the walk...I'm gonna go to the park and get dirty cuz I haven't been able to for a while now. :twisted: :P I'm a horribly behaved kid. :lol: :P That'll be fun to go get dirty at the park again and I'm gonna take a shower later probably so why not?! :P If you wanna know how that goes just ask nicely and I'll be glad to tell you. And if you think that I'm just absolutely crazy...don't bother commenting about this cuz I already know that I'm crazy. :P Kidding. :P

After I go to the park and take my shower I'm probably gonna do nothing for the rest of my day. :P I'm probably just gonna lie around, watch TV and maybe go online. :P I can still have some time to be unproductive even though I'm in school, right? :P And uh...that's about it. :P

I don't have anything else to say. :P All I really have that's important in the near future is my Declamation, and the National Latin Exam (which is this test that dorky Latin losers like myself haveta take to represent BLS. :P Not everyone does though...only the top Latin students get to take it and I guess I'm one of them. :P ), and the Spring Concert for Band. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan (who would by the way really like it if you said something like: Glad you're better now. :P )