Yeah...the title's correct...Band was pretty good today...not AWETHUM...but pretty good. :D But I'll get to that later. :P Since I made a blog yesterday I don't have nearly as much to talk about but I still have a fair amount of things to talk about. :P Or else why would I be making this blog...? :P Well...maybe just to put you through the torment of reading this ridiculously long thing that contains absolutely no useful information. :twisted: :P But who of all people would do that...? Me...? Certainly not! :lol: :P Kidding. :P I probably would do that...but not now...I actually have important things to do with my life...I just have some time to make this blog. :P was actually pretty good. :D In Band we practiced The First Noel and it sounds really nice and stuff and it wasn't too bad...I actually enjoyed Band for the first time in a while. :P Then in Math we learned about Linear Programming which was really easy...and I have no clue if it's just because it is easy or because I'm an absolute math geek but it was easy for me at least. :lol: :P In Latin we just translated part of the story of Romulus and Remus. In Biology Ms. Stone was out so we has a substitute and just did a worksheet. :P It was really easy and involved a little math and some knowledge of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic solutions. In Italian Mr. Forina was out so we had this work packet thingy to do which was easy...just time consuming. :P In English we analyzed some poetry by Maya Angelou. And in History we learned about the kingdom of Aksum or something like that. :P When I got home I did all my homework which actually didn't take too long, then I did some other stuff and now I'm on here making a blog. :P That's about all I haveta say about my day in general. :P
Although in Biology one very interesting thing happened. :P I sit right next to one of my friends, MH, in Biology and when we first came into class she was reading some book about wizards and vampires and then we had this little conversation and then I said something like: "Please...if you're reading a book about vampires you must be a die-hard Twilight fan-girl!". :lol: :P Of course she got ticked off at me cuz she hates Twilight and then she beat me up with her History textbook. :lol: :P Oh well...I deserved that. :P And then we worked on that worksheet thingy and I finished before she did because it involved some Math and I'm really good at math and she's not as good as me in math...she's great at Biology (like myself) but has more of a mind for History and English. Then when we were done we got into this argument about wether History or Math was better. :P Of course I was arguing that Math was better...and she was arguing that History was better. But Math is the more AWETHUM subject, huh?! :D :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P
I didn't have any wierd dreams last night though...I wish I did...I would've liked to mention one if I did. :P But before I end this blog I just wanna mention that lately I've noticed a few minor changes in the way I've been thinking about certain things. I'm fine and all and nothing's really changed and for all I know I could be wrong or I could be overreacting even though I'm not one to overreact but uh...I don't wanna mention it. It's more personal...and I don't wanna mention something that I don't even know is true...and don't bother asking me through a PM either...I doubt I'll give you an answer. :P Sorry...but uh...I just don't wanna mention anything until I know that what I'm thinking is for sure. Mi dispiace (basically "sorry" in Italian. ).
That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Thanks for reading all this useless crap and wasting your life! :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding...sorry you had to read all that. :P When I'm done typing this blog I'll probably go on a walk or play in the mud or something...I have nothing to really do with myself for about an hour before I haveta go to bed. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)