's finally here! :D Blog #200 and this is the second blog party that I'm hosting on this site. :D (Please feel free to congradulate me. :P ) And this is not a DWTHYW blog but you can basically do whatever the heck you wanna because the party will be at my mom's place and I don't care if you trash the place. :P as destructive as you want and cause as much chaos as you want. :D :P I want this to be a very interesting blog party. :lol: :P So...what are you waiting for...? :P Come in as long as you're not a wizard, vampire, cannibal, pirate, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, a zombie,Satan, an evil mastermind who plans to destroy the world (I don't needs that...I'm already an evil mastermind. :P ), a Russian spy, VD, any of my other mortal enemies, Sissy Sullivan, Portia Gibbons, Gwen, Ms. Gibbons, Cherry, Hal, or any of the other antagonists from The Mighty B!...or my mom...she's not welcome. :twisted: :P But I doubt any of you fall under any of those categories so come in. This party will last for about a week (So it'll end next Saturday) and if you wanna listen to any special music...just ask and I'll play it...unless someone breaks the radio. :P's what I brought:
Cookies. (please don't steal can have as many as you want. :P )
A cake. (And I'm sure some people actually wanna eat it so don't throw it at anyone...well...ah...I guess you one's stopping you. :P But still... :P )
Dr. Pepper. (Please don't steal the Diet Dr. Pepper from the monkey. :P Just don't. :P )
Mountain Dew.
And root beer. (I personally hate the stuff...the only reason I bought it is to keep a certain evil wizard happy. :P )
Okay...that's it. :P Hope you enjoy the blog party. :D -MightyBFan25 (who wants you to leave the monkey alone...I don't even know how it got here. :lol: :P )