Sorry about the title but I honestly was sitting at the computer for five minutes trying to come up with a title but I couldn't come up with anything. :P But this is the 230th blog that I've made and I'm really close to blog #250 now that I think about it. :P I think that I'm gonna try to make a blog every day until I get to blog #250 and then I'll have another blog party...mainly because I like the number 250. :P So...just keep that in mind. :P I haven't made a blog all week really because there hasn't been much to really talk about. :P I mean...I've just been busy with school again as usual and now the piccolo is another thing that I need to juggle. :P the flute and the piccolo and some other stuff might not seem like that much but it can seem that way at times but I don't really least it all keeps me busy. :P And I'm getting my report card this week on Tuesday probably and I think I finally got Approbation With Distinction at BLS which I'm really happy about and I want my report card so badly. :P That's about it really...nothing special's really going on in my life at the moment so there isn't much else to talk about. :P So now I'm gonna end this paragraph and get onto the next one in which I will talk about my day. :P
So far today's been pretty good. I haven't done anything really special...I've just been at home watching TV, going online, and practicing the piccolo all day. :P I might go outside later today for a little while but I dunno...the weather outside still isn't the best in the world so if anything I'll probably just go for a walk. :P Later tonight I'll probably be online for a while because of an ebay auction. :P But uh...nothing special is planned for today. :P The only other thing that I haveta mention about today is that last night I had a really wierd dream and it involved the end of the world again...but it was kinda wierd and I didn't completely understand everything that was happening in the dream. :P the dream it was December 20th, 2012 (The day before "Doomsday". :P ) and I was at my dad's place and we were packing upsome stuff to take with us because all of the peoples in MA were being evacuated and we had to leave before "Doomsday". But we still had some time and were undecided about some things to take because we obviously couldn't take EVERYTHING with us. And while I was trying to figure out what stuff of mine I should take...I heard this beeping sound in my room and it was coming from one of the walls so I removed the pannel where the sound was coming from and whenever I did that I would always see the pipes...and I saw the pipes...but attatched to one of them was a bomb that would go off in an hour. So...I told my dad and he called the fire and police departments but they didn't know how to remove the bomb so we only had about 30 minutes by that point to get everything that we needed out of the house and we began working on that but I remember the timer counting down and I went back into the house when there was only about one minute left, thinking that I could get out of the house in time before the bomb went off and blew up everything but then I tripped and by the time I got up, there was only 5 seconds left and I was right near the bomb because I was in my room and then it counted down and when there was only one second left I woke up. It was a terrible dream but to ensure that it doesn't happen again I'm working on making a list of everything that I would take with me in a situation like that one. It isn't going very well but I haveta figure it out for peace of mind. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog so thanks if you actually read it and didn't skim read through it or absent read it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)