Yep...this is my 231st blog. the moment I'm EXTREMELY angry right have no idea how p*ssed off I am right now! I'm sorry...I just can't help it and I need to vent right now. I'm not usually this way...I'm usually in a pretty good mood but right now...I'm ticked off...and I mean REALLY ticked off. And I'll tell you why in this paragraph. Okay...first of all...I'm really tired right now because I had a ton of homework tonight and I'm just tired. flute playing today was suckish because I wasn't able to play until around 7 and by then I was tired and I couldn't even get my chromatic scale as legato sixteenth notes right. of my mom's friends is over today and she's really annoying and kept bugging me while I was trying to memorize something for Latin class. And I was just ready to say to her: "Okay...what the hell are you doing?! Just shut the hell up and leave me alone!!!" And memorizing Latin is harder than you think...I can memorize stuff in English and Italian word for word with no problem at all...but Latin's harder. And little brother keeps being such a kiss up to my mom tonight and the second I left my room because I was done with my work my mom was just yelling at me for like no reason and she wanted me to stop playing the flute and stuff and my little brother kept siding with her in this one sided argument (it was one sided because by that point I was too p*ssed off to bother arguing with anyone...I just wanted to punch someone by that point or throw something at the wall. ) and I honestly don't like him that much anymore because he's doing this a lot lately and it's just stupid...and then when my mom leaves the room he tries to act all nice to me and stuff and even though he's only 10...I can't stand him and he's being don't just yell at me one second and then try to be nice to me the next! Well...trying to vent did absolutely nothing...I still feel like taking a shotgun and blasting off the heads of everyone in the house at the moment!!! I'm not even kidding...and it really takes a lot to get me this really does...and they managed to do it.
Aside from having to put up with a bunch of IDIOTS at day at school was pretty good. Nothing special really happened. When I got home I had a ton of homework and other stuff. And now I have an Italian dialogue tomorrow, a Latin presentation on Wednesday and another one on Friday, and something for History that's due at the end of the week. So...this week's gonna be pretty stressful and having to deal with a bunch of irritating, stupid morons at home isn't gonna help! Honestly...sometimes I wish I was stupid...then I'd actually fit in with my stupid family...but no...I haveta be an intellectual and put up with all this crap. I's good to be smart but it's times like this where I wish I was dumb. Anyways...I had another dream about "Doomsday" last night but I don't feel like talking about was a scary dream and I just wanna forget about it as soon as possible. I'm probably gonna be outside for the rest of the day when I'm done making this I'll probably just go on a walk for about an hour and then go home and go to bed because I'm sick of these morons who I haveta put up with right now.
Now...before I end this blog I wanna mention something else. I don't feel like talking to my mom or little brother but I'm gonna go outta my way to make them know that I'm ticked off at them. There's a few signs to tell when I'm ticked off at someone and they are: Constantly blasting Metallica music in my spare time, ignoring peoples who I'm ticked off at, only talking to those peoples in Italian or Latin, being a complete smart a** jerk to those people if I do talk to them in English, and I'll usually only wear the colors gray, red, and black...just cuz I feel like it. There's a lot of others...but those are the main ones. I don't have much else to say in this blog so I guess I'll just end it and go on my walk now. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)