Getting closer to blog #250...not that close yet...but I soon will be and then blog #250 will be a blog I already mentioned. :P So...just remember that...and if not just pretend that you remembered when I reach blog #250. :P And today I didn't have school so I just got to relax and do nothing. :P My mom went to work so me and my little brother were home alone which was good...I mean...I can't stand my little brother lately but least my mom and her friends weren't over for a while...and I just spent the entire day either sleeping, watching TV, going online, reading some more of the Odyssey, or practicing the flute/piccolo. And since I obviously couldn't visit Jenna today...I called her and we ended up talking on the phone for about an hour which was was nice to talk to someone intellectual again because for the past 24 hours I had not talked to anyone smart for an entire 24 hours and I was ready to go insane by that point. :P day was pretty good...and now that my mom's home everything's fine...I'm still ignoring them for the most part though because I'm still kinda sorta ticked off at them. I do want to apologize though for coming on this site and coming off at completely p*ssed off two days ago...I was just really angry and I needed to vent but that was kinda immature (I know I'm immature but that was immature in a bad sense is what I mean. ) and I shouldn't have done that. So...hopefully none of you really minded that if you read that blog and if you did I hope you accept my apology for that.
On a happier note...on Tuesday I got my report card and guess what...? I FINALLY GOT APPROBATION WITH DISTINCTION!!!!!!!!!! :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D That's the first time I've ever gotten Distinction at BLS!!! :D I'm so happy because I had to work so hard to get that. :D And in case you don't know...Approbation With Distinction is when you get all A's on your report card. :P And now that I've done next goal is to get a report card with all A's and A+' A-'s. :P's my grades:
Physical Education: A (Haha...take that you stupid PE teacher from my old school! :P A nerd can get an A in PE! :P Kidding...I don't care about this my school PE is a joke and all you haveta do is show up and get an A. :P )
Conduct: A (Yeah...that's A in conduct! :P I guess an evil mastermind/ troublemaker can get an A in Conduct...and I can behave myself at school...for the most part anyways...he he he! :twisted: :P )
Declamation: A (This shoulda been an A+! :P but Mr. Hanley doesn't give A+'s for Declamation for some odd reason. :P Oh well...I'll take the A...I like Declamation and I'm good at it and it just comes to me so it wasn't a big deal...I wasn't even nervous when I declaimed. :P )
Band: A (WHAT?!?!?! :P An BAND?!?!?! :P I've never gotten an A in Band's always been an A- or B+...this is my best grade in band EVER! :P And Ms. Dougherty HATES don't get it...I guess we worked really hard and maybe she doesn't completely hate us. :P Well...I'm proud of this grade and I so deserved it because our band killed the Holiday Concert! :D WOO HOO!!! :D Go Junior Band! :D )
Italian: A ( Mr. Forina's class. :P I'm really that smart! :P Seriously...I'm so happy with this grade because I worked really hard in Italian class last term and I'm good at Italian and I felt like I deserved this grade. :P And I better get an A...I am about half Italian and I get A's in Latin. :P )
Latin: A (I'm a little disappointed with this grade...I got an A+ in Latin last term and my average dropped from a 99 in to a 96 in Latin...I's only 3 points but still...I'm kinda ticked off because Latin's one of my best subjects. :P But...ah...I'll take the A. At least I didn't fail like a lot of my friends. :P )
English: A- (Darn it! :P An A-?! :P Kidding...I'm happy with this grade because I know that English isn't one of my best subjects but still...this is the one grade that kept me away from that all A and A+ report card. :P Oh I have something else to aim for. :P )
History: A (WOO HOO!!!!! :D I spent SO MUCH TIME focusing on History this term and it finally paid off! :D I'm so happy...and now I can torture my friend who said that I couldn't manage an A in History. :P Haha...I showed her! :P So...anyways...I'm so happy about this and this is the first A that I've ever gotten in History at BLS...I've always gotten an A- or B+. :P )
Biology: A (Ah...I wanted an A+ but I'll settle for an A...I mean...I didn't really try hard in this class...Biology just kinda comes to me...I've always had one of those minds wired for math and science...but more for math. :P )
Math: A+ (Ah...I knew I'd get an A+ in this class. :P Math's my best subject and I got this grade without even trying or studying at all...I just show up for class, do my homework, and help all my other friends who don't get what the heck is going on. :P )
So...those are all my grades and I'm so happy and relieved that I got Approbation With Distinction finally. :D Please...feel free to congradulate me now. :lol: :P And to make things even better...I just found out a few minutes ago that I don't have school tomorrow either so when I'm done making this blogI'm probably gonna call Jenna so one of us can visit the other for a little while tomorrow because we both are from East it's not a big deal...and she does need a little help with some stuff in Algebra 2. :P That's about it...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. (Yeah...I'm switching back to saying farewell in Latin. :P ) -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)