Yeah...I already mentioned it in my last blog but I do have no school today...I had another snow day for some odd reason but I don't really care because it's the perfect opportunity to relax and actually get some rest. :P So far my day's been pretty good. I haven't done anything too special though...I've just been watching TV, or playing computer games or playing the piccolo (I was playing the flute yesterday. :P ). So...nothing special really happened today. :P The only thing was that my mom went to work today so I haveta babysit my little brother so I couldn't visit Jenna which was annoying...but she was fine with coming over my place for a little while so we just kinda hung out for a few hours and I helped her out with some Algebra 2 stuff and she just left a few minutes ago. So...that's pretty much all that I've done today...nothing special other than that really happened today. :P For the rest of my day I'm probably just gonna do nothing...I'll probably just be in my room writing, drawing, listening to music, playing the piccolo, or reading some comic books. :P Mainly because I'm still somewhat annoyed with my family...everything's fine...I just know that if I spend too much time around them I'm gonna havea hard time controlling my anger and I don't wanna haveta worry about that...especially because I wasn't able to control my anger a few days ago and I usually can. :P Oh well...I'll probably feel better when I get to go to school tomorrow and be with intellectual peoples again. :P
I also wanna mention that last night I had a really wierd dream but it wasn't a bad was an AWETHUM dream...for once. :P I haven't had a good dream in a while actually... :P the dream I remember that it started off a few years ago when I was still at my old school (I think the sixth grade) and I was getting bullied (Gee...what a surprise. :P That happened ALL THE TIME at my old mom didn't really care though...which is another reason as to why I hate her...if it was my decision I woulda went to a different school. ) as usual and them I got home and I was very angry and I felt that someone had to put those stupid bullies in their place. But there was obviously nothing I could do...being a wimpy nerd and all. :P But then I remember that I took out my flute and was about to play it (wierd...I never played the flute before I came to BLS. :P ) but then...the flute talked to me and said basically that he could help me take care of those bullies. And then I heard a banging on the case of my piccolo so I opened it and he also offered to help me. So...of course I said yes but I wanted to know how we could take care of them. Then we worked together to create a plan to get back at them. We were gonna give them a taste of their own medicine! So...we got these AWETHUM superhero costumes and my flute and piccolo even wore capes. :P And I have them superhero names...the flute was called Super Flute and the piccolo was called (you guessed it) Magiccolo. And I didn't need a name...Super Flute and Magiccolo referred to me as their master or the musician or something like that usually. So...then the next day after school I got changed into my costume and took out my flute and piccolo and we went up to those bullies (of course I was wearing a mask) and we beat them up and tortured them with the high-pitchedness of the flute and ESPECIALLY the piccolo! It was AWETHUM...and then we left and we were so happy. And we actually flew home...we could somehow alter radio waves and fly on them somehow I think. And then we went home and I was talking to Super Flute and Magiccolo and we decided that we could use our AWETHUM powers to fight crime and stuff so we began to do that and it was really nice...and our identities were a secret. But then one day an evil music monster came and was going to destroy all of East Boston and we needed to do something., Super Flute, and Magiccolo flew around the monster and were trying to read it and then we realized that the song it embodied was the Magiccolo kept the Maelstrom monster distracted while Super Flute went back to being a normal flute and I flew around playing the flute part of the Maelstrom and we did get kinda banged up but we defeated it and the monster disappeared and all of East Boston was saved! But I remember feeling kinda dizzy and the first thing I did was put away my flute and piccolo and then I passed out in the dream. Then I woke up and I was in the hospital and my flute and piccolo were in their cases safe and sound. But my mask was taken off and now EVERYONE knew my secret identity. Most people wanted to just say thanks for everything that I had done up to that point but some wanted to kill me for some reason. And then I woke up. I wish the dream lasted longer was the best dream I've had in a while. :P I wish I could have more dreams like that and less dreams involving that twin that I was supposed to have but wasn't born and doomsday. :P Oh well... :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just remember that blog #250 will be a blog party. :P And I'm thinking that I also want Blog #249 to be a blog where you can ask me anything you want as long as it isn't too personal or anything and to just do whatever you want. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)