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Blog #234...

Yeah...sorry about the title...I couldn't really come up with anything. :P Well...nothing special has happened since the last time I made a blog...which was two days ago. :P Yesterday I finally went back to school and it wasn't that bad. :P Everything was pretty normal and I didn't have that much homework when I got home. :P Now I'm glad because I only have a Latin presentation and another Italian dialogue to focus on which isn't that bad at all really. :P The only special things that really happened were that in Band we were working on a Yorkshire Ballad (A new song that we're probably gonna play for the Spring Concert) and it's supposed to sound all nice and stuff. And...FINALLY...Ms. Dougherty gave us Woodwind players the credit that we deserve...FINALLY!!! :D The brass section was suckish (and they are that way sometimes because they just don't practice anymore because they think they can get away with it because Ms. Dougherty likes them a lot) and the woodwind players were AWETHUM (Go Woodwinds! :P ) and Ms. Dougherty said and I quote: "Brass section, you better step it up because right now the Woodwinds are kicking your butts.". That just made my day. :P And I stayed after school to help Jenna with some more Algebra 2 stuff. (I don't think I mentioned this but she's not that good at math and she knows that Math is my best subject...she's better at History and English.) Then we took the train home and I got home at around 4 and did my homework and then my dad came to pick me up. Then I just kinda did nothing for the rest of the day and went to bed at around 10. :P

Oh, and before I start talking about today I just wanna mention that blog #249 will be a blog where you can do whatever you want and just ask me anything within reason. And blog #250 will be a blog party. So...don't forget about that. :P

Now getting onto today. :P So far nothing special's really happened today. :P I've just been being unproductive so basically that means that all day I've just been sleeping, watching TV, going online, or playing the piccolo. :P I practiced the flute yesterday...and I actually came up with a song on flute...I didn't write it...I just started playing whatever I felt like for about 30 minutes and it just turned into a song. :P It sounded good to. :P That's about all I've done so far today. :P Later today I'll probably play the piccolo a little more, do some writing and drawing, listen to some music, take a nap...and Jenna's gonna call me at around if I'm not on this site at around 7 EST and I'm still not on until 2 hours after know what I've been up to. :lol: :P That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P I didn't have any wierd dreams last night...thank god too...I was getting sick of typing or writing about all my crazy dreams...and just having them was getting to be annoying too. :P Oh well...I've heard that having crazy dreams and just crazy thoughts in general is a sign of intelligence and creativity...because only someone who is smart and creative can have those kinda lucid dreams that are completely random and insane. :P AndI don't need any crazy dreams at the mind's kinda all over the place right now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)