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Blog #246 / Another Snow Day That I Put To Good Use... :D

Before I get to anything else blogs 249 and 250 are coming up soon so just remember that blog 249 will bea DWTHYW blog and blog 250 will be a hopefully epic blog party. :P So...remember that because they'll be coming up very shortly. :P Now getting to the second part of this I had yet another snow day...I think it's the fifth of sixth one I've had this school year which is ridiculous. :P And that word comes from the Latin word "rideo" which means to laugh...or something like that I think... :P I'm just starting to notice all this connections between Latin and English. :lol: :P And I've been taking Latin for over two years now. :P Anyways...I managed to put today to good use. :P I didn't read anymore of the Odyssey as I planned but I practiced the flute and the piccolo and started working on this Biology project about the Boston Harbor. Then I just created the ultimate Ventus Bakugan deck and watched Saw: The Final Chapter again because it was on On Demand and my mom never saw it and wanted to see it because she didn't go to work today because of the suckish weather. :P It was pretty good and I enjoyed seeing it again...I just hated how Bobby's wife died because HE couldn't complete the final task at hand...that was just wrong. Oh's not real. :P The rest of my day's been pretty good and unproductive. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Later on today I might read a little more of the Odyssey but I don't think so...I'm already almost done with it and way ahead of the rest of the class with my reading and it's kinda boring's so repetitive. :P So...I'm probably just gonna watch TV for a while, stay on this site for some time, call Jenna, and get ready for school tomorrow. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Overall today was nothing special. :P I'm just very glad that there's activity again on the Mighty B! forums...I mean...I like making blogs on this site but gets boring and the whole reason as to why I made an account on this site in the first place was to comment and write stories on The Mighty B! I'd like to actually do that. :P And I was considering leaving at least for a little while...but I don't think so for now. :D That's about all I haveta say in this's definately not that long which kinda irks me because I like writing ridiculously long blogs. :P Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)