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Blog #247 / Finally Finished Reading the Odyssey...

I actually feel like the blog part and DWTHYW blog are coming up soon...a few days ago it seemed like some impractical goal but ah...I'm getting there. :P Blog 249 will be a DWTHYW blog and blog 250 will be a hopefully epicblog party so DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THEM!!! :P And I finally finished reading the Odyssey over the weekend because well...I was bored and too ticked off at my little brother and my dad for that matter as leave my room for the most part. :P But...I'll get to that later. :P But now that the Odyssey is over and done with and I'm ahead of everyone in my English class with my reading I'm gonna start reading Inferno now because I might as well...and I've wanted to read it for about a week...or about a week. :P Anyways...overall the Odyssey was okay at first and I thought that I would like it but it turned out to be rather boring and repetitive...I mean...I can understand wanting to stick with a simple plot line but the plot in my opinion was WAY too simple and was too long and stretched out and repetitive at times which kinda annoyed me because I felt that Homer thought that his audience were all idiots or something. :P least I'm done with that book now...I mean...I still have work to do in English class involving it but at least I don't haveta pick it up again. :D :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Overall my weekend was pretty good. :P On Friday night I had a ton of homework which kinda annoyed me but it was a good excuse for not bothering with anyone else. :lol: :P I really haven't been in the mood lately to bother with any of my family members...especially my little brother...he's being such a brat and a kiss-up to my mom and dad lately which kinda irks me and then they think that he's this like perfect child and I mean...I don't care but you mom and dad don't haveta rub it in my face and make me feel bad...I mean...I don't really care but at the same time I don't need to put up with that the rate I'm going I'm gonna need psychiatric help when I'm an adult...and lots of it. :P Oh well...I can already kinda picture how I'm gonna be when I'm an adult and overall I see myself being quite successful if I keep up all my hard work but I can see myself having a harder time than most coping with the past. Anyways...the weekend itself was okay. I mean...I didn't do much...I just stayed in my room for the most part to play the flute and piccolo, read, write, draw, play video games, nap, listen to music, etc... :P The point is that I didn't leave my room unless I wanted to go online or watch TV. :lol: :P I got back to my mom's place earlier today at around 5 and I unpacked some of my stuff and now I'm online. :P Today my mom's friend would be over but after Phase Three...they're all kinda scared to come back again and put up with me. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...that shows that they're homophobic or they just all have ridiculously big egoes and don't feel like being corrected by a teenage girl who just so happens to be smarter than all of them. :P Oh well...I have no problem with that and they're coming over next weekend so that's when Phase Four begins...and it's actually the last phase before the end of the prank when we admit that it's a prank and teach them the moral of this whole thing. I honestly can't wait for that because I feel like I actually could teach them to be more open-minded and not to judge peoples. :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Tomorrow shouldn't be that bad...I'll probably finally have Italian Declamation (Yep...still haven't had it yet because Mr. Forina's ridiculous and wants this to take up all the space in my short term memory! :P ) and I'll have Band which should be good. :P On Tuesday me and one of my friends are gonna finish up this project I have to do for Biology class. :P I dunno what I'm gonna do later today...I don't really feel like watching the Super Bowl...I don't care for the Packers or the Steelers. And I don't like the Patriots either even though I'm from MA...I like other teams (Falcons, Bengals, Seahawks, Bears, Lions, Titans). :P Well...that's pretty much all I wanted to say. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)