Okay...just to remind everyone...the next time I make a blog it will be the DWTHYW blog and the blog right after that one will be the hopefully epic blog party so don't forget to comment on those blogs or at least read them or something or I'll send my massive Bakugan army to attack you! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'd never do anything like that...although if I could I know a few peoples who I'd legit wanna send my Bakugan to attack. :P Oh well... :P And it's been about a week since I last made a blog...it's just that all of this week I've been fairly busy between projects, tests, quizzes homework, and flute/piccolo practicing. :P But...it's now the weekend and I did all my homework yesterday and now I have nothing to do so I figured I might as well make a blog. :P Well...nothing special really happened this week so I'll just get right into what happened yesterday. :P
Yesterday was an AWETHUM day! :D The first one in a while actually... :P In English we watched a movie, in History we took this ridiculously easy test (Wierd...History seems a lot easier lately...I'm not complaining but my grade in History has gone up like 7 points since first term and I have an A instead of a B+ like I normally would. :P ), in Latin we had Friday Funday presentations which were...well...fun...duh! :P In Italian...I dunno what we did but we certainly didn't learn anything...I don't even know what we're doing anymore...all I know is that I come to class, do mindless busy work, go home, study, and get A's. :P In Math we're learning more about Polynomial Functions which is really easy. :P And in Biology we got to go to one of the labs on the third floor and do this experiment which was AWETHUM!!! :D I got to extract DNA from a strawberry plant. :P It was AWETHUM and now I can say that I am the master of DNA collecting! :lol: :P Of course...this turned into a lab report that's due on Tuesday but I worked on it on Friday and it's already done. :P Then at 9 I watched the new Degrassi episode that was on and when it was over at 10 I called Jenna and we ended up talking about that new episode for about 30 minute or so and then went over all the details for Phase Four of the epic prank. Then I went to bed at around 11 and that was my day. :P Anyways...overall I thought that the new Degrassi episode was pretty good and was definately worth watching. I don't have much else to say about yesterday. :P
Today I haven't really done anything too special. :P So far I've woken up, had breakfast, took a shower, watched some TV, went online, and memorized the rest of my Declamation piece for this term. I found the PERFECT piece and I can't wait to declaim it! :D :P We had to find a poem that was related to the Odyssey and I thought I wouldn't find anything good but I found the perfect piece and I already have it committed to memory...and Declamations aren't until after February break. :P So now I have ample time to get it perfect and get the perfect score that I've aimed for but never gotten on a Declamation...I always miss a perfect score by a few points...never less than five actually. :P Later today I'm probably not gonna do anything too special...just stuff that I'd normally do with myself. :P One thing that I'm kinda upset about though is that on Friday I had a music sectional but Ms. K. wasn't there and apparently she's being replaced by some random lady from BC who is primarily a flute player...I mean...that shows that Ms. Dougherty cares about us and I know that I'll learn more from her...but I don't like this lady from BC...she's not nice or funny or anything and she's WAY too uptight and making music stressful...music and Band used to be my escape from the stress of BLS during the school-day but now...it's just as bad as any other class. I'm very upset about that and I know that at the moment if something else bad happens to me I'm gonna be very upset. I'm just gonna try to forget about that and focus on that epic prank...
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P But before I end it I just wanna say one thing that really annoys me. I hate it when my mom says something along the lines of: "I brought you into this world and I can take you out."...or something like that. :P It just irritiates me because well...no duh you brought me into this world...but that's no excuse for murder or guilt-tripping or anything like that...even though guilt-tripping is fun. :P And it's worse when my mom says it ME because well...she didn't even give birth to me on her own...I might've mentioned this before but I was pretty much a test tube baby and there was only a 50% chance that I'd be born (probably why my would-be twin wasn't born) and well...you know what...in my opinion my mom didn't give birth to me...I was born thanks to science and modern medicine so she has no right to say that to me...maybe my little brother...but not me. Oh well...what can I do? :P I bet the way I was born is part of the reason as to why I'm ridiculously smart and I'm nothing like anyone in my immediate family. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)