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Blog #249 / The Second DWTHYW Blog!!!!! :D

Yep...this is the 249th blog that I've made so far with my account on this site. :P And even though it's not really a significant number...I wanted this blog to come right before the blog party...which will be my 250th blog. :P So...this is my second Do-Whatever-The-Heck-You-Wanna (DWTHYW) Blog you might can do whatever the heck you wanna. :P You can ask me any questions (As long as it's nothing like my address or last name or something like that because I won't tell you that information. :P ), say whatever you want, or do whatever you want, WITHIN REASON!!! :lol: :P Kidding...just do anything...I don't care. :P So...yeah...that's about all I want to tell you about the point of this blog. :P But this blog alse serves for another purpose...I wanna tell you about my day and how Phase Four of the epic prank's get to that, shall we? :P's was pretty good...I was Valentine's Day and even though I personally don't care much for Valentine's Day...I don't dislike it like most peoples I know. :P The only thing that does annoy me is that a bunch of my friends sent me carnations with stupid message cards and stuff...sometimes it wasn't even a of the cards just had a picture of a dinosaur on it. :P Yeah...I do have some strange friends. :P Well...I honestly don't really care...I have the carnations in a vase that's on the coffee table in the living room right now. :P 6 of those are from Jenna...which is wierd because I sent her 6 as well...and we never talked about that at all. :P And I sent a fair amount of carnations to me close friends...just to annoy them with random messages on them. :lol: :P My day at school was pretty good actually and I didn't have that much homework. :P I finished my homework at around 6, had dinner, took a shower, practiced the piccolo, worked on my English Declamation, and uh...that's about I'm making this blog. :P I'm probably gonna call Jenna before I go to bed. :P I haveta congradulate her on her work with the epic prank...she helped me out majorly and I haven't thanked her yet. This Sunday is the easy we're gonna tell them that it was all a prank and give them a lecture that will hopefully teach them all a lesson! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Well...that's all I haveta say about my day really. :P It was pretty good...and I wasn't as busy as I thought I would be. :P

Now getting to Phase Four of the epic prank! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...well...on Sunday at around 5 my mom's friends came over again (Why? :P I dunno...maybe they like talking to me or something. :lol: :P Kidding. :P ) and I was at my mom's place by then and I unpacked my stuff and Jenna came over at around 5:45. Before she had come over I was already torturing my mom's friends. I mean...I noticed that they seem kinda scared of me...or at least...some of them do...and I mean...I don't get it...I mean...maybe they don't like homosexuals...but I'm not a this point I don't think so...maybe I'll find out in the future that I'm wrong about that but well...we'll see about that when the time comes. And guess what...being homosexual isn't contagious. :lol: :P Jeez...they really are stupid. :P I mean...I could tell that they were nervous around me...and you know what...if I wanted to...I could keep this up and let them stay all scared around me...lucky for them I hate being feared because at my old school I was in constant fear majority of the time and I hated it and don't wanna make anyone else feel that way. But...anyways...when Jenna came over we just stayed in the living room where my mom and her friends were and were just was a staged conversation that we were faking to give them all the wrong message. :twisted: :P Yeah...they fell for it! :twisted: :P It worked out perfectly and I noticed that three of my mom's "friends" seemed disgusted by that. :lol: :P After we planted that seed in their mind we went into my room and we talked about nothing for a while and then I continued showing Jenna my Bakugan from where we left off last time and it's wierd but she doesn't mind me talking about Bakugan and seems kinda into it...not the show...just the might just be because of me but I'm not really sure. :P Oh well... :P To get a girly-girl into Bakugan is an honor in my opinion. :P Anyways...Jenna left at around 7 and my mom's friends left at about 8. After Jenna left one of my mom's friends (the "leader" again...the one who's the worst of them all) said something along the lines of: "So I guess you are a lesbian after all and you do have a girlfriend." And I remember saying: "Yeah...that's right. Do you have a problem with that?" Then my mom's friend refused to answer me, turned away, and left the house. I heard her say that I was a freak under her breath but I didn't bother with that remark...although it really does anger me that people can be so mean and ignorant! I mean...honestly...people who are gay lesbian, bisexual, doesn't matter...the point is that they're not freaks and they're human beings just like straight people and they deserve the same amount of respect and deserve to be loved and treated fairly like everyone else! And I'm gonna bring that up during their lecture this upcoming Sunday and guess who the teachers of this little lecture will be...? :P None other than myself and Jenna. :twisted: :P Maybe they'll finally learn their lesson! That's about all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P

That's all I wanted to really say in this blog. :P I can't wait for these new Bakugan I got online to come in the mail (it wasn't was another site...but I can't remember the name of it...I wrote it down somewhere so don't ask. :P )...they're gonna come in either this Friday or Saturday...I can't wait for Pyrus Hylash and Pyrus Turbine Dragonoid to come in the mail. :D They'll be a good addition to my Pyrus deck. :P And I'm planning on getting Ventus Turbine Helios, Pyrus Orbit Helios, and Haos Moonlit Monarus, and Aquos Dual Elfin Revolution sometime soon as well...probably Aquos Dice Thrower Mystic Elico as well...but that's later on. :P Well...I should go and call Jenna and thank her for helping me out with the epic prank so far...I know she hated dressing up like a tomboy and not all girly like she normally does for those two times she met my mom and her friends...I owe her big time. :P Well...vale...and don't forget to do whatever you wanna on this blog. :P And don't ask me a bajillion questions about...well...I'm sure you know what I do not wish to be asked about. :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)