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Blog #250 / Blog Party's Being Pushed Back A Few Days...

Yeah...I finally FINALLY reached the epic blog #250 and I'm am so happy about this! :D However...I'm pushing the blog party back until blog #255 because I think it's a little ridiculous to have a blog party and a DWTHYW blog going on at the same time so I'll just push it back a few days...I's not a big deal because I'm on February Break so I'll be able to make a blog every day this week. :P So...sorry about that but it'll only be pushed back a few days. Hopefully Nohbdy on this site wants to kill me...well...I don't think Odysseus is still alive or owns a computer. :P Sorry...stupid joke...but I had to say it. :P I'd like to thank anyone who commented on the DWTHYW blog and feel free to still comment on it as long as it's still on my profile page. :D That's about all I wanted to say involving this let's get into all the useless crap that no one cares about. :P

Well...I'm finally on February Break which I'm very happy about. :D This week wasn't really too special...I was just really busy with projects and papers and stuff but I don't have anything to really do over break at least. :P I just haveta practice my English Declamation and worry about Course Selection stuff. :P I pretty much have it figured out...I'm just having trouble with one choice. :P I year I haveta take English 10, World History 2 (yeah...that'll be so much fun...and I'm being sarcastic...if I have Dr. Niery I'm screwed...or Dr. Foreman. :P ), Italian 3, Chemistry 1 (I had the choice betwen Chemistry or Physics but I'll text Chemistry next year, Physics in the 11th grade, and then AP Biology along with Chemistry 2 or Physics 2 in the 12th depends upon which one I like better. :P ), Latin Prose (It's just advanced Latin 4...My Latin teacher really thinks I should take Prose and I really wanna so I have the option Junior year of taking Greek or AP Latin and the only way I can leave my options open is to take Latin Prose. :P ), and then PROBABLY Advanced Geometry...I'm not sure if I should stay in regular math or honors math...all my friends are saying that I should and I really wanna because regular math is boring me...I'm getting A+'s without even trying at an advanced school for nerdy peoples which is ridiculous but I need to challenge myself and going into honors would be perfect. My Algebra 2 teacher thinks I should take it as well so I probably will but I'm still considering it. :P I mean...Math is just one of those subjects that if you have the "it" for it (meaning that you're just naturally good at it and it comes to it does for myself) you'll be fine no matter what math course you take. :P So...yeah...that's about all I haveta do over the break. :P The term closes the week we get back from break so it'll back to stress after February break but I don't really mind. :P Also during the break I'm gonna be reading Inferno and I'm gonna start that on Monday...I checked out a book from the library which is a literary analysis on the Divine Comedy and I felt that I should read that first so I have some backround information before I read the first book of it. I'm about 2/3 of the way done with it and it's really I wanna read the book even more than I've wanted to for a month...if that's even possible. :P So...during this break I'm gonna seem kinda obsessed with Inferno and just the concept of the underworld in't let that disturb you too much. :lol: :P Tomorrow at around 5 Jenna and I will be going to my mom's place for Phase Five...which is just teaching my mom and her stupid friends their can dress up like she normally would this time. :P I REALLY hope they learn a lesson from this and if not...well...I don't really care because at least I got to epicly prank them with the help of one of my friends. :P And I'll get to pick up my Bakugan that should have come in the mail by that point. :P Now that I think about my mom and her friends even deserve to be taught this lesson by myself and Jenna or are they unworthy of it? I'm legit serious about this...well...I shouldn't get too crazy...I think they're worthy of being taught this lesson...well...they're barely worthy of it. :lol: :P I'll tell you how Phase Five went tomorrow when I make a blog at around 7 or 8. :D

My day was pretty good today...I didn't really do anything special...just a lot of reading, writing, listening to music, drawing, flute playing, Bakugan deck creating, and Declamation practicing...oh...and I called Jenna and we talked about nothing for like 2 hours. :lol: :P In my be able to talk with someone about pretty much nothing for that long shows that you get along with that person quite well. So...I've spent majority of the day in my room keeping to myself doing whatever I've felt like. :P I'm glad that no one's really bothered me...I'm kinda upset because it was in the 50's or 60's on Thursday and Friday but today it's not even in the 20's (I'm talking about the temperature. :P ) and that kinda upsets me because now I can't go to the park or go outside or anything...and I've managed to not play in the mud for a long period of time and I've been really busy lately or the weather has been suckish so I've been inside a lot and now when I'm not busy the weather sucks again. It really annoys me...when I grow up I know one unusual thing I'll be installing in my house now. :twisted: :P Ooh...I'm not gonna tell you what that thing is...I'd like you to guess. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'd just like you see what you think I'm thinking of. :P And it's not the weather that's getting too much to me...I'm still ticked off at my little brother and my dad because of a few things he's said really got me p*ssed off and I don't wanna say what it was...I was nothing mean to me but what he said offended me. And I've gotten ticked off at so many family members and other peoples that now I've noticed that it's just best that I ignore them. :P Well...that's all I wanted to say about my day...I enjoyed it so even though I seem kinda angry...I'm really not...if anything I'm more annoyed and disappointed. :P Oh well... :P Now I have two random questions to ask you:

FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: I mentioned earlier...what do you think that unusual thing I'll have in my house when I'm an adult is? :P

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: This one I'd actually like a kinda-sorta helpful answer. :P Do you think I should go into Advanced Geometry next year or stick to regular Geometry? Keep in mind that I have a think for Math and it just comes to me. :P

THIRD RANDOM QUESTION: I doubt anyone can really answer this but what do you think my favorite Bakugan is? :P I'll give you a is a New Vestroia one and I have like 6 of them because I like the Bakugan so much. :P And related to that...what is my favorite attribute of Bakugan? :P This one's easy. :P

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P It's past 10 where I live now so I'll just end this blog and go to bed now. :P Everyone else in the entire neighbourhood is probably passed's so quiet outside so I might as well go to bed like everyone else. :P Buona sera. (That is "good night" in Italian. :P ) -MightyBFan25