Okay...before anything else...my blog party is coming up soon and will be the 255th blog that I make for sure so don't forget about that. :P I'll be making a blog every day so this'll take place in a few days so it's not that long of a wait. :P Now...guess what...I ACTUALLY have a good idea...seriously! :lol: :P I mean...I do have a lot of good ideas but I have more bad ideas than good ones. :P Well...I remember in the third grade I started getting into drawing and I got better as I got older but then during my parents' divorce I was just really stressed out and angry and just stopped drawing...I turned to just angry music and reading graphic novels. :P And until last summer I kinda forgot about the talent that I had for drawing but then when I picked up a pen and some paper and tried to draw some stuff...I realized that I had a much more steady hand and I was much better than I ever thought I could be. :D As this school year has gone on I've been drawing in my spare time and I've gotten even better in this short period of time...I mean...I'm not doing anything special...just my random sketches in pen. :P Yeah...I draw better in pen because I do better when I embrace any mistake I make instead of erasing it. :P And recently I've made three AWETHUM drawings of characters that I REALLY like and I showed all these recently-made drawing to my friends and one of them said that I should write a story about these characters and well...I was bored today and decided to draw the most depressing thing that came to mind so I started drawing the ninth circle of Hell with these three characters in it and Satan was guarding the place and then it hit me...I SHOULD make a story...and it should begin in Hell. :P These three main characters will be referred to as the "forgotten warriors" who were never worshiped or celebrated or remembered for their heroic deeds because they did a lot of bad things to accomplish their missions and are now in the ninth circle of Hell for these bad deeds. They all talk with each other and plan to get out of Hell and go back to earth to use their powers for good and right all their wrongs. So...I'll probably start brainstorming stuff tonight before I go to bed and I'll start writing part one tomorrow. :P Also, I'll have some illustrations to go with the story that I'm gonna be sketching...I mean...I love drawing and writing stuff of this nature and this is the perfect thing to gear my efforts toward this break. :D So...that's my good idea. :D Why are you still reading this paragraph then...? :P Jeez...I don't have anymore good ieas! :P
Today's been pretty good. :P I haven't done anything too special or gone outside at all aside from a quick walk just for the sake of getting out of the house. :P Today I finished that literary analysis of the Divine Comedy, practiced the flute, watched some TV, went online, drew some pictures, did more tinkering around with my Bakugan, and came up with the most AWETHUM idea ever!!! :D :P And I listened to some music and did some more reading about random stuff because I had the time to do so. :P And I called Jenna at around 2 and we talked to each other for about an hour...it woulda been longer but Jenna had to do some stuff apparently but I don't really mind it too much. :P Later today I'm gonna do some brainstorming for that story. :P Tomorrow shouldn't be too special...I'll probably be doing the same stuff that I've been doing so far. :lol: :P That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph. :P I really wish it was nice outside so I could just go to the park or play in the mud or something. :P
Before I end this blog I wanna talk a little bit about this terrible dream that I had last night. :P Well...in the beginning of the dream I was about 30 years old...and I was doing quite well for myself...but...in the dream...I was a lesbian and I lived in a very violent area. I left my house and was shot and went bye-bye. Then in the next part I was in the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell (What a surprise...I thought this would happen. :P ) but before my punishment truly began...some strange figure in a purple robe came up to me and went on this rant about how what I did (referring to being a lesbian) was wrong and disgusting and not natural and went against nature and therefore went against God and all this stuff. Then this figure said: "Too bad you never learned your lesson, you freak. If you repented your sins you could've eventually gone to the third sphere of Heaven, but now you're here and you must perish"...or something along those lines. :P But before this figure walked off, I demanded that he/she take off the hood of that robe...but this figure just snickered, snapped his/her fingers, and walked off. Then my punishment was about to truly begin but then I woke up. I KNEW that I was gonna have a dream like that on Sunday night...I KNEW it! :P Well...I don't really care...it was a fascinating dream...even though it was scary. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I guess I'm probably gonna go back into my room, blast some music on my iPod, and start brainstorming some stuff for my story. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)