Getting closer and closer to blog #255 which will be a blog party so sorry for being so repetitive but don't forget about it. :P Now getting to the title. :P Well...yesterday I finished that literary analysis of the Divine Comedy but it was President's Day or something so the library was closed. :P at 10 my dad drove my to the library so I could return that book and pick up I have it and I'm gonna start reading it tonight. :D That should be AWETHUM...I've been waiting for like a month to start reading it but I haven't had the time. :D But I wanna get through the 70 page introduction before I read Inferno itself because well...even though I read an entire 125 page literary analysis on the Divine Comedy...some more backround information wouldn't hurt and well...getting information from different sources is helpful. :P I'll finish the intro today and start the first few cantos tonight. :P So...tomorrow I'll make a blog and mention what I think about the book based on what I managed to read up until that point. :P I mean...I have nothing else to do with my time...well...maybe spend time with my family...ah...screw that! :P They all hate me anyways. :lol: :P Well...that's all I wanted to mention in this paragraph. :P
I didn't do anything too special today. :P I was in my room for most of the day doing some stuff. :P I managed to get about half way through the intro in the version of Inferno that I checked out from the library, practiced my Declamation (it's looking really good and I think I'm gonna get that A+ that has eluded me for so long! :D ), practiced the piccolo (I'm getting REALLY good at piccolo too year I really should try out for piccolo part. :D Go Magiccolo! :P You know...Magic Piccolo...? :P Never mind! :P ), created an even more powerful Pyrus Bakugan deck using the blue ability card "Quaking Phoenix" in combonation with the copper gate card "Lockdown", and continued working on my story while blasting Metallica music. :P By the way, I already have a lot of information about all the characters in the story. :P And I decided that one of the characters is the strange cloaked figure who was in my dream where I was in the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell for...well...I'd rather not say that again. :P But...until I get a chapter or two done and see how good or bad this story is...I'm not gonna bother you with it. :lol: :P That's about all I've done so far today... :P Later today I'll probably go on a walk, call Jenna, start writing the first chapter of that story, and get through that intro and a few cantos in Inferno. That's about all I haveta say about my day. :P Thank Zeus I didn't have any bad dreams last night. :P
Tomorrow I probably won't be too busy. :P I'll probably take a break from working on the story and I'll just practice my Declamation a little and read more of Inferno (I really should use the proper Italian name, L'Inferno...but I dunno...Inferno is easier to type. :P ), and I'm probably gonna go over Jenna's place for a little while later that day. Oh, and I haveta get a haircut too. I'm sick of making choices now...Corse Selection is stressful enough! :P Kidding...I'm like 95% sure that I'm gonna get my hair cut short again...I bothered my mom for a while about this over the phone and she said she didn't care after the conversation reached the 30 minute mark. :lol: :P So...I'm happy about that...I'll probably get my hair cut short again...unless Jenna somehow manages to change my mind. :P But I highly doubt that. :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P
One thing that I do wanna mention before I end this blog is that even though every teenager probably goes through this...I kinda feel detatched from my family...well...I always have but never as much as I have recently. I mean...I'm serious when I say that I'm NOTHING like anyone in my immediate family...the only person I can relate to is my older cousin but even then...she's not freakishly smart like me. :P I dunno...I just feel like I'm nothing like anyone in my family and I don't wanna me like anyone in my family because for the most part they're all dumb, unsuccessful, mean, ignorant, etc...or just a combonation of any of those things I listed. :P I really think it has something to do with the way I was born. And I know now that when I grow up I don't want anything to do with any of my family members and when I'm grown up and doing quite well for myself...I'm gonna pretty much sever all family ties and not bother with any of them anymore...I mean...yeah...they're my family...that doesn't mean I haveta like any of them. :P I mean...I'm probably just in a bad mood or something but that's just how I feel right now and I might change my mind so don't worry about that. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I'm probably gonna get through the rest of that intro to L'Inferno now... :P And since I'm ticked off at my family...I can imagine all of them about the ninth circle of Hell...their bodies completely submerged in ice...watching Satan devour Brutus, Cassius, and Judas. :twisted: :P I personally think that Judas didn't really betray Jesus like everyone would like to believe...their is a lot of controversy on that topic and some would like to believe that Jesus wanted Judas to betray him so that everything else could happen. So...I dunno...I wasn't there but there is controversy on that topic...and their is a gospel of Judas if I remember right...the Bible is just a censored book and they took it out...just like with the gospel of Mary. Well...I should shut up before I offend anyone's religion and if I did...I apologize for that little rant. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)