Okay...before anything else I just wanna remind you all thatthe epic blog party will be tomorrow so don't forget to comment on that blog or my army of over 100 Bakugan will attack you all! :twisted: :P Last time I counted I think I had about 114 or something like that... :P Yeah...the collection's gotten kinda sorta out of hand. :lol: :P Oh well...I have ample space to store them. :P Anyways...don't forget about the blog party tomorrow. :D Now getting to the second part of the title...this blog shall contain an angry rant because well...I'm very much so angry with my little brother. But...I'll get to that after I talk about my day. :P
Now...so far today's been pretty good. :P I must've slept until 11 in the morning...I was really tired apparently...I was up past midnight reading Inferno and got to the part where he enters the fourth circle where the greedy and avaricious are punished by pushing giant weights against each other...I didn't start that canto...I ended it there...I wanted to keep reading but I figured that I could just read more the next day and I should get to bed. :P So far the book is really good and I like it a lot. :D The only thing that I'm confused about is which beast that Dante meets on the hill of Purgatory REALLY represents the sins of Incontinence...I mean...the lion obviously represents the sins of violence but the other two...? :P I dunno...I think the she-wolf represents the sins of fraud just because it appeared last so then the leopard (or whatever it was) represents the sins of incontinence I guess...but I'm not entirely sure...I'll probably Google that when I'm done making this blog. :P I couldn't help but think of the story of Romulus and Remus when I found out that the last beast on the hill was a she-wolf and think that there could possibly be some coorelation to that story...Imean...it is an allegory after all. :POh well...I shouldn't think this much... :P So...I'm either 5 or 6 cantos into the story and I like it so far...I'm probably gonna read a lot more of L'Inferno tonight...or later today. :P
Now that you know what I think about Inferno...I'll get to my day. :P Even though I've only been awake for 3 hours...it's been okay. I mean...nothing special...I've just been watching TV, going online, I practiced the flute and my Declamation and that's about it. :P Later today I'm gonna read more of Inferno, take a shower, get my haircut (I'm getting my hair cut really short again because I can and I feel like it. :P If someone doesn't like it they're just gonna haveta deal with it! :P ), and go over to Jenna's house for a while. That's about all I haveta say about my day...nothing special's really happening so there's not much to talk about. :P Oh, I probably should work a little more on my story I guess...I need to finish the first chapter. :P I started it and then just randomly stopped and didn't pick up my red pen for the rest of the day...yeah...I'm doing anything involving this story in red pen...red...the color of rage. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I just like using red pen whenever I can. :P That's about it... :P
...Now getting to the angry rant! :twisted: :P Well...I'm kinda ticked off at my little brother because I found out that he's been going on this site and reading all my blogs and junk and I'm really annoyedby that...I don't care who reads my blogs...I'm ticked off because he's not giving me any privacy and I feel that when I don't get any privacy...the person who's invading my privacy doesn't trust me and well...I don't see why I shouldn't be trusted. I mean...it's not like I'm doing anything bad on this site...and my blogs are just a place for me to talk about whatever I wanna and write whatever's on my mind. :P I should make a blog that it just me doing an English teacher's worst nightmare...writing on stream of conciousness. :lol: :P That would be an interesting blog...you can read EXACTLY what I'm thinking. :P That would mean a lot of nerd talk and words that make me seem like a smart a**. :lol: :P Well...I'll consider that blog. :P Anyways...to take care of my little brother reading my stuff I changed my privacy setting on this site so that only my friends can read my blogs. I mean...he can still read all my forum posts and profile page and crap...there's nothing new or special there...my blogs are where I write whatever I wanna. :P So...haha...no more annoying little brother reading my blogs! :twisted: :P I'm really annoyed with him...not just because of this...it's just that lately he seems like such a kiss up to our parents and it's just really annoying...and my mom thinks that whatever he does is just the best thing in the world...like his stupid drawings of stick peoples who don't even have torsoes! :P Well...he's my little brother...I shouldn't be too harsh on him...but just keep in mind that I'm gonna be angry with him for a while.
I don't have much else to say in this blog. The only thing was that last night I had the same terrible dream where I was in the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell but this time I saw that the figure had green eyes...I couldn't tell what shade of green...obviously...my sight was all screwed up by seeing fireballs and flaming sand in a flaming desert but the figure in the purple hooded robe had green eyes...and I can't help but remember that my eyes are green...so...I dunno...am I supposed to be that figure...? Or my unborn twin...? I dunno...maybe I'll figure out more whith this recurring dream... Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)