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Blog #255 / Blog Party!!!!! :D

Yep...finally reached blog #255. :D So...this blog is the hopefully epic blog party. :P But...before the blog party begins...I wanna apologize again that I pushed it back and before I get to the blog party itself...I wanna talk a little bit about how things have been going for the past two days because well...I didn't make a blog yesterday. :P Yesterday wasn't the best day in the world...and to put it simply...I felt like crap. :lol: :P I had a terribly headache (I mean...headaches aren't a big deal...I get at least 2 or 3 headaches a week and that's a good week for me. :P I mean...I'm a teenage girl...I'm used to headaches...just take some aspirin and I'm all set...but this was a terrible TERRIBLY headache. ) and it lasted pretty much all day...and I also felt kinda sick yesterday...but that I think was because of a dream that I had that night. In the dream I was once again, about 30 and doing quite well for myself but along with being a doctor of some sort...I was taking up photography as a hobby and for some reason I organized this photo shoot...and well...I'd rather not describe what the heck I organized in the wasn't too nice. :P And I remember that I couldn't remember organizing such a thing and couldn't bring myself to take any pictures because I felt that it was wrong but one of my assistants (this assistant was VD for some odd reason) was yelling at me and forcing me to do so and I said to her: "No, I can't take these pictures, it's wrong and I know that the second I do something bad will happen to all of us."...or something along those lines. But then she forced me to do so and after the photo shoot...some guy with horns wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase, contract, and small pitchfork came up to me with this evil grin on his face. The guy looked like how I drew Satan in my story...not like some monster with red skin or whatever...more like a human who was well-dressed in a white suit with a tail, small horns, a small pitchfork, and a briefcase. And he pulled out this contract and I apparently had to sign myself over to the Underworld so I took out a red pen and was about to sign it. Then I woke up. This dream made me feel sick to my stomach for a while and I think it could explain why I felt terrible all day...I know it sounds ridiculous but I dunno...I feel that at least a few of my dreams have some deeper meaning or something... :P Anyways, when I woke upI just felt terrible and the headache came shortly afterwards. So I was basically in bed all day either taking a nap, lying down and listening to some music, or reading Inferno. You know...I bet Inferno would explain all these dreams...yeah...well...I don't really care and nothing will stop me from putting down that book because I feel that it's worth readng. :P Jenna did call me so I talked to her for like 15 minutes...she didn't wanna bother me because she knew that I felt terrible and didn't wanna keep me on the phone for a long time. :P That's about all I did yesterday...nothing special AT ALL because I felt like crap...but I did get a lot of reading done...I'm on canto 31 in L'Inferno now. :D That's about all I haveta say about yesterday. :P

Today I feel much better than I did yesterday. :D And I didn't have any disturbing dreams! :P I went to bed at like 8 and woke up today at about that's 14 hours of sleep. :lol: :P I'm lucky if I get half of that during a school night. :P I was just really tired and passed out. :P Today I'm probably gonna finish Inferno and finish chapter one of that story...I started it but I never got around to finishing it yesterday because well...I felt terrible. :P I'll probably call Jenna later...I felt bad that we didn't talk to each other that long yesterday because I felt sick. :P I mean...I don't feel completely better but I am much better and won't be in bed all day today. :D That's all I haveta say about my day today. :P

Before I get to the blog party though...I just wanna mention that although this book is probably partly responsible for giving me disturbing nightmares...I am really enjoying reading Inferno. :D :P I mean...I's just really interesting...the story is very interesting and the structure of Hell and the types of punishments and the people he meets there with their stories to tell really could catch anyone's attention in my opinion. And I's not like Inferno just ends with the you get all the literal facts and the plot and characters and you're all done...that's not the case. Then you can try to piece together the deeper meaning behind it all and that is the fun part in my opinion. :D I mean...when reading any book or watching any show or movie or even with my crazy dreams...I like to think critically about them and try to find some deeper meaning behind them and when I think for a little while about Inferno...I am able to find some of these deeper meanings...probably not all of them and at times I'm probably wrong but I dunno...I just enjoy being able to think that much about a book and get some extra information from it. :P Besides...I better be able to do so, I read about 200 pages of backround info on Inferno. :lol: :P I really feel like I could talk for hours about the first 30 cantos that I've read so far. When I finish the book I'm probably gonna look into reading Purgatorio and Paradiso...or at least Purgatorio...that one sounds really interesting. Paradiso seems kinda crazy though. :P Well...since I'm crazy I'd probably enjoy it. :P And some of the punishments were kinda what happens to the flatterers in the second ring of the eigth circle of Hell. :P That's about all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P

Now that all that talking about nothing is out of the way, it's time for the blog party!!!!! :D Okay...I have a few rules for this blog party...which I'm expecting everyone to break within the first ten posts. :lol: :P

1. First of all...this is NOT a DWTHYW's a BLOG don't call it anything else. :P

2. You are not allowed to come in here if you are: A wizard (although I could make an exception for one wizard... :P ), a vampire, a pirate,a zombie, a member of the Mafia, a Russian spy (sorry...they're not allowed. :P ), Masquerade from the show Bakugan, a mechanical Bakugan, my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, my stupid English teacher this year, Portia Gibbons, Ms. Gibbons, Gwen Wu, VD, any bully in general who would wanna kill me, etc... :P Jeez...that's a long list. :P But I doubt any of you fall into any of those categories so you can all come. :D

3. Do NOT break my Bakugan or my flute or my piccolo OR ELSE!!! :twisted: :P

4. Do NOT call my mom and get me in trouble for having a party while she's a work...even though her phone number is on the counter in the kitchen. :P

5. That's about it really...but the major rule is to break as many of those rules that I just listed as possible. :P Except the third one. :P

Now here's some of the stuff that I brought:

Mountain Dew (All the flavors...ESPECIALLY the red one because that's the best kind. :P Don't ask how I know this yet I'm not allowed to drink soda. :P )

Dr. Pepper (FINALLY...the stupid monkey left! :P )

Coca-Cola (This is better than Pepsi...and in Italy that say Coca-Cola in a very funny way. :P )

Cookies (Please don't steal. :P )


Cake (I should hide this until it's time to have cake...because I KNOW that someone's gonna throw this at someone. :P )

That's everything. :P Sorry for lack of pictures...I'm impatient and wanna finish the last four cantos of Inferno. :P When I grow up I'm considering making a shrine to Dante Alighieri in my house...that wouldn't be a bad idea. :P I want so much random crap in my house when I'm an adult like that, a hot tub, a giant television, a Gauntlet video game machine,a plasma ball thingy, etc... :P You get the point...random crap. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's so long. :lol: :P I'm gonna finish Inferno and work on my story. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)