Before anything else...even though I have made a new blog you can still post on the blog party. :P And I can't wait until I reach 300 blogs...that'll be quite an accomplishment. :D That's the next thing to look forward to on this site. :D Well...that and the fact that there's actually stuff happening on the Mighty B! forums. :P And tomorrow I do go back to school so I'm probably not gonna be able to make blogs every day like I have been all of this week. :P I'm kinda upset because February Break is over...I wish it was longer so I could spend more time doing whatever I wanna. :P But I'm so happy to be going back because being busy with school means spending less time with my family. :D In case you don't know...I'm really ticked off at anyone and everyone in my immediate family right now. :P I really feel like I'm nothing like anyone in my family and I can't relate to anyone and honestly...I don't think they really care about me. I don't really care though because I only haveta put up with it until I'm a doctor...then I'll be well on my way and I'm gonna move out of Boston if not MA...I'm considering going somewhere in Europe...or I could just move to Colorado...that's a nice state... :P Anyways, the point is that when I'm an adult I don't want anything to do with any of them because I can't stand them. I won't get into all the details but I realized something else...majority of the peoples in my family are hypocrites. I can't stand hypocrites...they're some of the most irritating peoples in the world! I mean...I'll admit that I'm far from a perfect person...but I'm not a jerk like them and even if I don't agree with someone's beliefs or a part of someone's life...I'm not gonna be a jerk about it. I'm not really too concerned but as of right now when I grow up I want ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anyone in my immediate family. Now...let's get on with my day after that little rant. :P By the way...sorry about that...I really needed to vent in this blog and even though you might not think helps. :P
Well...before anything else...yesterday was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...I didn't do anything special until around 5. Until 5 I was just drawing (not pictures for my story...just random pictures...I'd rather not say what though... :P ), practicing the piccolo, going online, and I spent a ton of time playing Bakugan: Defenders Of the Core on my Nintendo DS...I mean...I got the game on Christmas but I never had the time to play it but now I do and it was a really good game. I actually managed to win it was kinda hard but ah...not too hard. :P The best Bakugan to use is Master Ingram...he's ridiculously fast and can fly and has the best ability cards. :P And I loved the song that played when the end credits were rolling...I haveta get the song on my iPod... :P around 5 Jenna called me and said that her parents wanted me to come over so they could meet me...understandable...I mean...I have been over their house a few times and Jenna's been over my place a few times as well. I mean...I met her parents but I never had a conversation with them...usually Jenna and I would just go into her room and talk about whatever or watch TV or something. Her parents were really nice actually and I enjoyed talking to them...and I dunno...I felt like they were really wasn't that fake nice that people act like when guests are's hard to describe but I could tell that they're really nice people...and Jenna told me that too. So I ended up talking to her parents for about 30 minutes and they asked me about school, what classes I was taking, how my flute and piccolo playing was going, etc... Her parents think I'm some kinda genius. :P Then Jenna and I went up to her room to just talk about random stuff for a while which was enjoyable. I ended up leaving and walking home at around 7. Her parents offered me a ride home but I wanted to walk home...I just wanted to get some fresh air and clear my mind. After that I didn't do anything too special for the remainder of the day. :P
Today nothing special has really happened. :P I'm probably gonna back up my stuff and go back to my mom's place at around 5 and get ready for school tomorrow. I can't wait to go back and me with my friends again and get back to work and away from my family. :D You know...I don't think I can even use the word "family" family got separated...I should think of another term... :P Anyways...when I get back to school tomorrow I'm definately gonna be busy...I'll have an English presentation, a Math term project to work on, I haveta do final preparations for my Declamation on Tuesday, I need to pass in my poster on cloning for Biology that I finished before break even started, and I haveta plan a meeting with my guidance counselor to discuss course selection stuff...because if I'm gonna be going into Advanced Geometry and Latin Prose, I wanna make sure that I'm ready for it...I checked with my teachers and they think I should but my guidance counselor gets the last say...well...I get the last say...but she's the last one who could change my mind. :P Yeah...I'm gonna be pretty busy. :P I don't care...I'm organized and a hard worker and good at school so I'll be fine. :D
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's ridiculously long and talks about absolutely nothing. :P You know...I really should make a blog that's just entirely stream of conciousness...that'd be could read exactly what I'm thinking...a lot of things would haveta be cut out mind isn't the best place in the world. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)