Sorry about still saying the number of the blog that it is. :P I've kinda gotten into that habit and well...I kinda enjoy seeing exactly how many blogs I've made. :P So...sorry about that...if for some reason it annoys you and you cannot tolerate it I'll stop counting. :P And today I was doing homework until about 7 but that's not too bad and I actually had some time to go on this site and make a blog. :D Today wasn't really too special and neither was the first day back. :P I was just glad to be back at school and away from my family. :D Today I did have a fair amount of homework but it wasn't too bad. The thing that irks me is that I spent 90 minutes doing my Algebra 2 homework...math homework NEVER takes me that long...NEVER!!! I mean...we're learning how to solve polynomial functions using the rational zero theorem and synthetic division and all that's just takes FOREVER and we got assigned like 20 homework problems. And if it took me that long to do the homework...I can only imagine how long it took some of my friends...I mean...I'm one of the best at math in my Algebra2 class and I get A+'s on everything without studying or anything. :P I blame the student teacher...Mr. McQuade isn't teaching us's some student teacher lady and I don't like her at all...she's very confusing, gives WAY too much homework, and she's just not nice or anything. The only thing that I will say is that she's kinda pretty...but I don't care about that or anything...I'd rather a non-visually appealing teacher so I'd keep my head in my textbooks and not staring at teachers. :lol: :P That's about all I haveta say about today. :P Before I say that I hate this student teacher lady I'm gonna give her a a week or two before I judge her or else I wouldn't be giving her a chance and that's wrong. Oh, and I had Declamation today...I had to dress up all nicely and put up with a few of my friends torturing me. :P I did good though...I know I got at least a A. :P And I had gym clas R3 so I got changed out of my declamation clothes and didn't haveta wear them for the rest of the day because I declaimed R1. :P
One thing that I do wanna mention before I end this blog is that for the past two nights I've had some really strange wierd dreams. :P On Sunday night I had a very cartoonish looked like a cartoon and I got to see myself in cartoon form. (Yay! :P ) But it wasn't a happy dream...I apparently wasn't behaving "properly" and my parents sent me off to some wierd charm school so I got on the train and went there. Once I got there the lady who ran the place asked me to tell her a little about myself so I did and she had this look on her face like: "You have some serious issues". :lol: :P I remember it wasn't really like a charm school was more like a correctional facility. And the lady appointed someone to take care of me and she seemed really mean and stuff. She made me get outta my clothes and wear the uniform that they wore there. I wasn't getting the advanced education that I was getting at BLS...all the classes were dumbed down in a sense and I was so bored. And I couldn't listen to any Metallica or Alice In Chains music or anything like that. I couldn't play the piccolo. I couldn't play in the mud or play any sports or anything. And that lady who was taking care of me took away all my video games and Bakugan and trading cards and stuff. I was forced to have a sucky education, wear these stupid girly uniforms, play the flute for hours on end and if I didn't I was hit with a ruler or whipped (And I had to have "proper" posture and stuff...I usually kinda slouch when I play the flute and my tone quality is fine. :P It's better that most who sit up straight and play. :P ), and I also had to do all this girly activities. And if I wanted to draw any pictures...I was told what to draw! I couldn't draw depressing pictures or pictures of acts of violence or cartoon characters or anything! It was TERRIBLE and that would definately be my worst nightmare! I felt like something was up there and all the girls there were in the same position as me. I was like I was being forced to be "normal" and I couldn't stand it! And I felt like there was something up there...if it's a recurring dream or I have it again I haveta dream-bend it and make it so I completely screw up everything and go against my "training" and ruin everything for the ladies running the place and run away. I don't really get the point of that dream...but that tells me one thing...I'm NEVER being a normal person and I'm never gonna even attempt it...I never have but I never will. :lol: :P If being normal means that I haveta give up everything that I love doing...haha...that's never gonna happen! :twisted: :P Yeah...that was the message of that dream. :P
On Monday night I had a dream that probably occurred from watching Dawn Of the Dead a few days ago. :P So I was just going on a walk and I found out that a zombie infestation was soon to occur from some TV in a window so I went on one of the trains to get out of Boston and go somewhere less populated. The train went underground and continued going but then it stopped for some strange reason. And I remember a bunch of zombies came and were trying to flip over the entire train but just as they were about to, the power came back on and we got out of there. There wasn't much to the dream really...that's all I can recall. :P I wish I could recall more but I honestly can't except that a few characters from the show Degrassi were on the train. :P Yeah...Degrassi is kinda sorta turning into an obsession. :P PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!! :lol: :P
This Wednesday and Friday I'm gonna probably stay after school for two assemblies on course selection so I can have even more help making my choices for next year. I know I'm taking Chemistry but I'm still considering Latin Prose and Advanced Geometry. I'll probably take both but I wanna go there to get a sense of what the work load would be like and what's expected of me in those classes. And uh...I did wanna say one other thing but I honestly don't think I should...I don't wanna offend anyone on this site or have anyone think I'm even more of a freak than you think I am. :lol: :P If you wanna know you can PM me but even then...I might not reply to it. :P And last thing: today I took the train home with Jenna and I did mention to her that I do occasionally play in the mud (never mentioned it before...not a big deal but well...I felt that I might as well mention it. :P ) and she had no problem with that under a few conditions: I don't track mud in her place ever, If she comes over my place she doesn't wanna see the place a complete mess, and she doesn't want me to ever try to persuade her to do the same. Understandable...I don't really mind. :P Besides...I've noticed that even though it might just be the cold weather...I haven't played in the mud for well over a month now and well...I'm hoping that I can lay off that when spring comes around...I mean...I obviously still will but hopefully not as often as last year...or the year before that...or the year before that...etc... :P That's about all I wanted to say in this blog. :P I can't wait for spring to come now! :D The first day the weather's nice outside I know that I haveta play in the mud...unless I plan on seeing Jenna. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)