Sorry that I'm still counting how many blogs I've made...but I dunno...I enjoy doing that. :P And about the title...term three at BLS officially closed on Friday and I'm so happy! :D I mean...I honestly think that I got Approbation With Distinction again and if I did...that's just AWETHUM!!!!! :D Especially because this term was very stressful for the past few weeks. :P And I haven't made a blog for about a week. :P Nothing special really happened...just busy doing a lot of school-work and stuff. :P Oh, and I didn't go to my dad's place this weekend...apparently my dad was sick or something and my mom said that I didn't haveta go there if I didn't wanna and because I don't feel like putting up with my dad or getting sick, I've spent the weekend at my mom's place. :P On Saturday I didn't really do anything too special...just stuff that I'd normally do when I have nothing productive to do with myself. :P And I got more Metallica music on my iPod...I can't get My Apocalypse or Cyanide out of my head though. :P Well...I don't really mind...they're my two favorite songs that I got yesterday. :P That's about all I really haveta say about yesterday. :P
By the way, on Wednesday I'm taking the National Latin Exam (NLE) for the third time! :D I'm glad about that...I KNOW I'm gonna score Summa Cum Laude again because well...the NLE's are the easiest tests ever...well...that and the MCAS. :lol: :P And I did that course selection thing on Friday night. Next year I'm taking: English 10, World History 2, Italian 3, Latin Prose, Chemistry 1, and Advanced Geometry. (And Junior Band...yay! :P Ms. Dougherty again! :P I'm being sarcastic! :P )So...I'm taking some harder classes which means more work and more of a challenge but I like that and whenever I raise my expectations, I continuously manage to meet them. :D It's wierd...and it makes me feel like my mind has no limitations and I'm limited only by what I THINK I can do. :D Yeah...I'm such a nerd, aren't I? :P
Today I haven't done anything too special either. :P I'm probably just gonna do stuff that I'd normally do all day. :P And the weather outside is very nice so I'm gonna call Jennaand hopefully we can go on a walk or to the park or something...I really wanna go outside and well...I wanna see Jenna before Monday in History class. :P So...I don't really have much to say about today. :P I would say something else but well...I honestly can't bring myself to say's not anything's something that I'm glad about but well...I just don't wanna mention it because I'll probably offend someone or something or someone will think I'm an absolute freak. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog and it is rather short for one of my blogs which are usually ridiculously long. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)