Yay...Boston Latin School is trying to kill me!!! :D :P Yeah...I'm being sarcastic...it's NOT a good thing. :P All week I've been RIDICULOUSLY busy and I've had so much work to do and I don't get it though...it's the beginning of the term...the most laid back part of a term because there's nothing to worry about but all my teachers are assigning me a ton of homework every night. On Monday I was doing homework until around 6...which wasn't that bad. On Tuesday I was doing homework until around 7:30. On Wednesday I was doing homework until 8. On Thurday I was doing homework until 7. And on Friday I was doing homework until around 7. It's ridiculous in my opinion...I get home at 3 and immediately start me homework and I'm working for three to five hours...I mean...it happens to me a lot but never that many times in one week. I always have at least one or two laid back nights. So...because I've been so busy...it's been a rather boring week for me. :P The only exciting thing that happened was that on Thursday some guy who runs an upcoming music festival came to BLS to conduct our band and this guy (He was in his 60's) has so much energy and got so into the music and our band honestly did an amazing job! :D I wish he was our band conductor and NOT stupid Ms. Dougherty...that guy makes me hate her even more. :twisted: :P Oh, and on Friday I got to help throw furniture off of the back porch at my dad's place because he's getting new furniture today...the people delivering it are actually in the house right now. :P That's about all I haveta say about my week. Throwing furniture off of the back porch was fun. :D :P Next paragraph... :P
I don't have anything to really do with myself today because I did all my homework last night and started working on my Italian project thingy that isn't due for about two weeks...and I wanna have Mr. Forina proofread my thing before I go any further just because I wanna make sure that all my information and Italian grammar is accurate and stuff. :P So I don't have anything really productive to do with myself. :P I'll probably play that Bakugan video game again to get Maxus Helios...the ULTIMATE Bakugan battle brawling monster thingy!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Once I obtain it I'll be unstoppable. Kidding...it's just a game. :P What else did I wanna say...? :P Oh, and I also wanna call Jenna and talk to her for a while, I wanna go to the park, and I wanna read more of Jane Eyre, and I wanna go play in the mud but I definately shouldn't because it's only 37 degrees farenheit outside. :P The second there's some nice weather outside I know what I'm doing with myself...unless I haveta see Jenna. :lol: P So...today's gonna be a laid back day and I can just do whatever I wanna. :P I deserve a break...this week's been ridiculously busy. :P That's about all I haveta say about today. :P
Last thing...I didn't have any strange dreams this week but I keep waking up at 3 in the morning for some odd reason! :P It's really annoying and it kept happening to me all week...I go to bed at 9, wake up at 3 in the morning, and then stare at the ceiling in my bedroom for three hours before I get ready for school. Yeah...that's great, isn't it? :P You know...it's hard to function on only 5 to 6 hours of sleep for five days in a row...well...now it's six. :P I don't get what's up with my sleeping habits right now... :P I hope I get more sleep soon...I like sleep and I like my disturbing lucid dreams. :lol: :P Random but I should go to the movies with Jenna sometime soon...that would be a good idea in my opinion. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)