Sorry I haven't made a blog in such a long time. It's just that lately I've been pretty busy with all my school-work and some stuff outside of school so I haven't had much time to really make a blog...or if I did have the time I just forgot or didn't feel like making a blog. :P Nothing special has really happened in the past two weeks since I last made a blog. Well...okay...that's exaggerating...stuff did happen. :P My sleeping is finally normal again...I'm actually staying asleep until 6 in the morning when I haveta wake up for school. :D Yay...I get to sleep again. :P In English we're reading Jane Eyre's a really good book...I like it a lot...Jane and Mr. Rochester are the best characters. I'm about half way done with the book. I HATE the stupid student teacher in Math class now...she's just annoying and I think she doesn't like me either. :P I should make a blog that has an angry rant about her if I ever decide to make another blog. Oh, and in Band we're going to the Micca festival on April 10th...which is a Sunday. I'm glad about that...less time to spend with my dad. :D That's about it really involving school that's happened lately. :P I'm on top of all my work and everything...I just haveta focus on Micca right now which is good. :D And I turned in my course selection year I'm taking English 10, World History 2, Italian 3, Latin Prose, Chemistry 1, and Advanced Geometry. :D I'm gonna have a very strange schedule actually... :P Well...lately I've been very busy with all my school-work and stuff so I haven't had much time to go on this site and when I have I haven't been in the mood to really make a blog and I've just been going on the Mighty B! forums or something. :P Oh, and I got my report card a few weeks ago for term 3...I didn't do quite lowest grade was a B+...and I got a B+ in English and in History...I mean...I got Approbation...but not Distinction which annoys me...I got too cocky and slacked off a little bit in those subjects I guess. :P I'm just gonna work harder this term. :D
Now getting to stuff outside of school... :P Well...I'm still not really getting along with my parents or my little brother...I don't want anything to do with them and lately I've been just ignoring them because I can't stand them. And I've also realized that since I don't really care for religion that I want nothing to do with it...even though I went to a private Catholic school for 8 years of my life and was brought up to be a parents feel that I'm old enough to make my own decisions involving religion and I've chosen that I want nothing to do with religion...I don't wanna get confirmed and I don't wanna go to church ever again. I don't want anything to do with religion ever again. I hope that doesn't offend anyone...I'm really not trying to and if I did I'm sorry. It's not just's any and all religions. And do you remember me talking about Jenna? Well...we're not just friends at the moment. We're going out now. :D I mean...this doesn't prove that I'm a lesbian or's just that I don't have a crush on a guy and I never really have and I like Jenna and she likes me and we just decided that we should start going out. :D Besides...I've had my suspicions about this matter for a while...and I think it's good that I start to "experiment". So...I hope the thought of me being a lesbian doesn't offend anyone either. At the rate I'm going I'm sure if I moved to Texas I'd get my head blasted off with a shotgun or something. :lol: :P Nothing against Texas...just a joke using stereotypes. :P
Now...why is this potentially my last blog ever? Well...this site is kinda dead and I dunno...I've just been pretty busy lately and I don't think I'll really have the time to make blogs. And I'm kinda worried now that since I want nothing to do with religion and that I'm possibly a lesbian that I might offend someone on this site or something. If I have offended anyone I think I should stop making blogs. If not and at least a few people on this site want me to continue making these blogs...I might consider it. If you do then just say something in the comments for this blog or something.'s not like I'll leave this site or anything...I still have stuff to do on the Mighty B! forums...I'd just stop making blogs. So...tell me what you think about that matter in the comments for this blog.
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Nothing special has really happened so far today. But later today at around 5 or soJenna and I are gonna get some coffee and talk about absolutely nothing fora while. We seem to talk about nothing for a long time quite frequently. :P's nothing special...just an excuse to get out of the house and spend some time with her. :D I don't have much else to say in this blog. So this might be the last time that I bid you farewell in Latin if this is my last blog. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)