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Blog #263 / How My Weekend's Been...

...It's been quite well. :P Okay...end of blog...bye-bye! :D :P -MightyBFan25 Wait a minute! :P That's too short to be one of my blogs! MightyBFan25's blogs are always ridiculously long! :P Okay...I'll tell you WHY it's been quite well. :P Yeah...that'll make this blog much longer...then I can epicly torture you all! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...let's start with a new paragraph and talk about Saturday... :P dad actually didn't pick me up until Saturday at 10 in the morning because he was too lazy to pick me up on Friday. :P I woke up at about 6 in the morning and my mom was upbefore I was. I kinda took it as an omen to tell my mom that I have a girlfriend and I'm more than likely a lesbian. I've been planning on telling both my parents for a while...I had already told all my friends and now anyone who reads my blogs on this site knows. The second I finished saying everything I needed to she hugged me...I was waiting for her to yell at me and slap me or something because I thought she would hate me for it. But no...she hugged me and said that she was proud of me and that it was brave of me to come out and tell her that. :D She said that although she's not entirely for me being a lesbian she's not against it and that she'll support me and still loves me because I'm her daughter. :D That's the nicest thing any parent can tell their kid once they come out of the closet and say that they're gay/lesbian...and I REALLY wasn't expecting that! It was a pleasant surprise. Then I got kinda teary eyed and left the room...I didn't wanna cry in front of my mother like an idiot. :P After that my morning was pretty normal and then my dad picked me up and I went to his place. At 3 I started getting ready for my date with Jenna and left at 4. (Yeah yeah...I'm a tomboy and I managed to take an hour to get ready. :P I'm actually capable of taking a shower and putting on some decent clothes when I haveta. :lol: :P ) Our date was over at about 7 but before I left we ended up kissing! :D It didn't feel awkward or wrong or just felt's hard to explain...I just think that this is a sign that my suspicions really were correct and that I made a good decision (unlike all the bad ones I constantly playing in the mud to spite my mother...even though it is fun. :P ). After our date I went back to my dad's place and I was just on cloud nine for the rest of the day...and I still am...I'm just so happy right's like everything in my life is working out. :D

Today I haven't done anything too special. :P It's just been a normal day so I don't have much else to talk about. :P I woke up WAY too early today as well...which is kinda irritating. :P I took a nap for like 2 hours and Jenna called my cellphone a few times during those two hours. Yeah...hehe...not a good time for me to be napping I guess. :P I did call her at around 6 to apologize...we didn't talk for too long though...I had some stuff I needed to do so I had to get off the phone. Even though I apologized over the phone...I owe her an apology in person tomorrow at school...she said I don't haveta apologize again but I feel the need to. Later today I'm gonna practice my Italian Declamation a little more and watch the Amazing Race...Jenna's gonna be watching it too so we're gonna talk about it on the train ride home tomorrow. :D That's all I really haveta say about today... :P

Last thing...the only person who I haven't told that I'm a lesbian and have a girlfriend is my dad...I feel REALLY uncomfortable telling him in a straightforward manner...he ALWAYS makes fun of gay/lesbian people and calls them freaks and stuff....I'm just worried that he will stop loving me and not want anything to do with me when I tell him. I don't wanna pretend that I'm straight around anyone...I shouldn't haveta...I think that's wrong...I just wanna be able to come out and tell everyone that I know. Anyways...I am gonna tell my father soon...I'm just gonna hint at it around him for a few weeks. So that means that I need to change the way I dressa little whenever he sees me (not hard...and I don't need to try as hard because of the short haircut. :P I bet the haircut gave it away...that's how Alice found out... :P ) and I'm gonna act like SUCH a stereotypical lesbian around him! That means just act like myself but WAY over the top and say a lot of stuff "accidentally" when I'm watching something like Bad Girls Club like: "That girl is hot."'ll plant the seed in my dad's mind and then hopefully when I tell him it won't come as a huge surprise...and I can figure out better how he will react to knowing that is daughter is a lesbian. It should be fun and I'm looking forward to that! :twisted: :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I'm just in such a good mood right now and I feel that I can turn my happiness into dilligence in my school-work...I am dilligent when it comes to school-work but when I'm in a good mood I don't mind doing extra work or studying for that extra hour. :D Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment...I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!! :lol: :P I'm sure if I tell Jenna she'll be jealous of my doctor. :P Kidding...she's not the jealous type...or else Alice would be dead because she's been bugging me a lot lately...and it's more in History than English class...which is stupid because my girlfriend is in my History class...not my English class. :P Translucent Ventus Alpha Percival goes rawr. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)