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Blog #264 / Such A Crazy Week... :P

Well...this week has been crazy for me...but I'm used to the craziness of BLS and I actually somewhat enjoy it. :P But...before I go into any detail...I just wanted to mention that in my agenda book...each week has a certain value that you should focus on...I never really pay attention to those because well...I'm evil. :twisted: :P But...this week's value thingy was Appreciation...and I figured that since last weekend I kinda told you all that I am a lesbian and you all seemed fine with it and I really do sincerely appreciate that (Seriously...that was very nice of all of you. :D )...I haveta do something to show my appreciation...I dunno what you I would actually like some of you to give me an idea in the comments of this blog. I could be to have another DWTHYW blog ora blog party or something like that. I just kinda feel the need to show some appreciation for was very nice of all of you who read my last few blogs to be accepting of me being a lesbian and I really appreciate it. :D (How ironic that this week's value in my agenda book was Appreciation. :P ) So...yeah...just give me any ideas when you comment on this blog. :P

Now...nothing too special has really happened this week actually...I've been ridiculously busy with school work. :P I've had a TON of homework lately (I actually didn't have that much tonight. :P Thank Zeus...I wanna just relax tonight! :P And I must watch Degrassi. :P ) and I've had a Biology project, a History essay, an Italian project, my English Declamation, and Micca Festival to get ready for. :P I already did my Biology and Italian projects. My History essay isn't due until next Friday and it's a work in progress. :P I don't think it's my best work ever because I SUCK AT HISTORY!!!!! :lol: :P ...And it's boring. :P I'm doing quite well practicing my English Dec. and I don't need to present until after Spring Break. :D And Micca is this Sunday...I'm SO ready for it and I can't wait! :D And I don't need to spend my Sunday at my dad's place...I'm at his place just feels awkward being here and knowing that he's the ONLY person I see on a regular basis who doesn't know that I'm a lesbian and that Jenna's my girlfriend. I just feel kinda outta place's hard to explain. :P Well...this week's been boring and I'll just tell you how today's been. :P was pretty good...nothing special really happened. :P In Math we were learning about graphing rational functions or was really easy but the thing was that I had this complex question involving vertical asymptotes and Ms. Chadwick never answered my question! I asked politely too. :P And she said that it wouldn't show up on the homework but it showed up in THREE homework problems...I didn't get how to do them...two of my vertical asymptotes looked messed upand the third one looked like a parabola. :P I blame the stupid student teacher! :twisted: :P In Latin we did a work packet thingy because Ms. Foley was out. :P In Biology we were completely off topic all class and learned nothing. :lol: :P And we got new seats...I'm ticked off...I'm not sitting near one of my best friends anymore! In English we had some quiz thingy that was REALLY easy. :P In Italian we had a ridiculously easy quiz as well. :P And in History we has a test that was RIDICULOUSLY HARD!!!!! And it wasn't just me either...a few of my friends who are amazing at History said that it was really hard it wasn't just me sucking at History. :P Then I had a study and got a lot of homework done and I went to the library for 15 minutes to finish my Italian homework. Then I went to the music wing to get my flute and went home. :P Now I'm at my dad's place and I'm bored. :P At around 8:30 I'm going over Jenna's place to watch the new Degrassi doesn't air until 9 but we can pass the time talking about random crap. :P I can't wait for the new episode actually...Holly J. and Fiona will make for such a cute lesbian couple. :D I just feel bad for Adam...he'll probably get pushed aside and he really loves Fiona. (Yeah...I am this obsessed with Degrassi now. :P The best characters are Adam, Eli, Claire, Riley, and least in my opinion. :P Fiona's okay but I don't like Holly J too much...she's such a perfectionist...that's why I can't picture her being a lesbian especially because she has a casual thing going on with Sav...but I can picture Fiona being a lesbian. ) Other than that I don't have much planned for today. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog but I can't wait for Micca Festival this Sunday! :D Wish your nerdy friend, MightyBFan25, good luck. :D :P And if not she will summon a Shoggoth to kill you all. :P (Yeah...third person Julius Caesar! :P ) After Micca I'm going over Jenna's house for a while actually and we're just gonna hang out for a while which should be good. :D And I can tell her how Micca went. :P I'm sure she doesn't really care about music...she'll just pretend to care about it because she knows I'm an artsy person and I love being in band and playing flute/piccolo. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)