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Blog #265 / Spring Break!!!!! :D

Oh's just AWETHUM to finally be on Spring Break! :D I get an entire week to just relax and do whatever the heck I wanna. :P Which is probably gonna be a lot of sleeping and working on my Declamation for English class and then a lot of random unproductive crap...oh, and I plan to spend a lot of time with Jenna. :D :P So...yeah...Spring Break is finally here for me and I'm gonna enjoy it! :D I'm so happy...this week has been total insanity for me...I've been SO BUSY with school-work and projects and quizzes and tests and studying and homework and...well...everything. :P It's been about a week since I last made a blog and I won't talk about every day...nothing special really happened this week because I've been so busy. :P But...before I get to my day...

BLS JUNIOR BAND WON BRONZE AT MICCA FESTIVAL!!!!! :D WOO HOO!!!!! :D Last Sunday BLS Junior Band went to Micca Festival and we placed Bronze which is just AMAZING!!! :D We were the only Junior Band there and therefore the youngest band and we were "competing" against bands that belonged to ridiculously rich schools and bands that had been playing with each other for over 10 years...and that's just insane! :P And we managed to place Bronze "against" these bands! :D The thing about Micca is get graded on your preformance as a band and you're not compared to other there could be like 7 gold medal bands and 10 silver medal bands, etc... :P But place Bronze at something as popular as just makes me feel proud to be part of the best Junior Band BLS has had in over 10 years! :D It was a crazy day but well worth it...and I didn't haveta spend time with my homophobic dad. :P

Speaking of that...BLS is doing something called the "Day Of Silence" on the Thursday that we get back from vacation. I know that the national day for the "Day of Silence" is today but my school is doing it the Thursday after vacation so I'm gonna do it then. Yes, I'm doing the "Day Of Silence"...I can go a whole day without talking...I've actually done that before...I used to be very shy before I came to BLS...if you can imagine that. :P And's like...why shouldn't I? I am a lesbian after all and I have a girlfriend, why not? What it basically does is support the LGBT peoples who can't speak out. And it's basically like by doing the "Day Of Silence" and not're advocating this message...and I personally think it's very cool and I'm all for it. :D I'm actually convinced all my friends to do this as well...and it worked because I'm really persuasive when I wanna be...and of course...a lot of them would've done it anyways. So...the Monday after vacation I'm staying after school to sign up and then it takes place that Thursday after vacation...I'm actually looking forward to that to be honest...and it's likethe "Day Of Silence" came atsuch a good time too. And it'll be interesting to put myself in kinda sorta that's easier for me than most because I know my dad probably won't accept me being a lesbian and because well...I am a lesbian. Ooh...I just thought of an idea! :P

RANDOM REQUEST: If the school you go to does something like the "Day Of Silence" you really should do it...if you did I actually would appreciate it. :D I don't haveta...but it's not really for my's for the sake of the LGBT peoples who are afraid to speak out because the society around them would shun them. I honestly don't think I could live like that and not be able to openly have a girlfriend and say how I really feel...I think I'd lose it...and by "it" I mean my sanity. was pretty unproductive. In Latin we just did random crap and watched movies and stuff. :P In Biology we watched a movie...well...we TRIED to watch a movie but ended up having a random conversation that turned into Ms. Stone trying to convince us all to do the "Day Of Silence" because she's for that kinda stuff and wants us to do it. She actually said that anyone who has her that does the "Day Of Silence" gets extra credit in her class...I was gonna do it anyways, regardless of extra credit, but it's more reason to I guess...although...I don't feel that I should be rewarded for standing up for what I believe in...but...whatever...I'll take the extra wouldn't hurt. :P (By the way...the second I told Jenna about it today in History class she said she would do the "Day Of Silence" too. I was really happy about that! :D ) In English we watched a movie and had a vocabulary quiz thingy...I got a 100 on it...I knew everything. :P In History we finished our DBQ essay on the Aztecs in the computer lab. In Italian we had a substitute and did some work...and we got to listen to our ipods so I was just sitting down, doing my work, blasting Iced Earth music like I normally would. :P Then I had a study and since I had no work I just got a pass and went to Ms. Baker's room to hang out there...Jenna and I decided to go to that room because Ms. Baker lets us stay in her room if we have a study so we just hung out in that room until we had to go to our next class. :P In Math we had a was really easy and I know I got a 100 on it! :D If I didn't get a 100...I'm gonna be an emotional wreck because I felt really good about that quiz and all my grades haven't been so good in Math this term...and I actually stayed after school a few days for help in Math...which is somewhat degrading to me...getting extra help makes me feel really does...and I hate feeling stupid...especially when being smart is kinda my thing. :P After that my day was over and I went home. :P Now I'm at my dad's place... :P

At around 7 I'm going over Jenna's place...we're just gonna spend some time together and watch that new Degrassi episode at 9. :D It's nothing special...but it's nice to just spend a few hours with my girlfriend. I mean...we're gonna be spending a lot of time together during Spring Break...and a lot of time will be at my mom's place. Apparently my dad has this week off from work but he says it's fine if I go back to my mom's place so I'm just gonna go there and my little brother is staying at my dad's place for the week...and my mom has work so we'll have the entire place to ourselves for a bunch of hours every day all's gonna be AWETHUM!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...we're not gonna do anything evil...we're gonna actually be doing some school work...we're helping each other out with our Declamations...we're both REALLY good declaimers but it's good when you have someone else who is just as good as you criticing helps a lot actually so this time we'll both get A+'s on our Declamations! :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I actually mentioned to my dad that I'm doing the "Day Of Silence" and it actually seemed to throw him off a little...I really don't think that he'll accept that I'm a lesbian if he doesn't even get why I'm doing the "Day Of Silence" the best he'd only put up with me being a lesbian. I'm still hinting at this around him and acting like a stereotypical lesbian around him...he seems annoyed with me. I think on Sunday once he drops me off at my mom's place I'm gonna tell him that I'm a'll be safe because I'll be at my mom's place and if he hates me at least I don't haveta see him for a week.'ll do that next Sunday...if he hates me for being a lesbian and I find out this Sunday it'll ruin my entire Spring Break...I'll just wait the extra won't kill me. I'd love to just tell him and have him accept me...but I don't think he will...he's not open-minded. I'll admit that I wasn't open-minded until a few years ago...coming to BLS really changed a lot of my views on different things. And I'm glad I did become open-minded...if I didn't I'd be like my father...and I don't wanna be anything like him in that sense. Well...that's all I wanted to say in this blog. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)