Yay...MightyBFan25 actually managed to come up with a title! :P No need to congradulate me though...the title still isn't the best thing in the world. :P Yeah...I'm actually being modest...for once in my life! :lol: :P Anyways...today has been pretty productive so far and I'm on track of doing everything that I planned on doing for today. :P I woke up at around 6 in the morning again and practiced Magiccolo (If you don't know what Magiccolo is I'm not saying it again! :P It's my piccolo's nickname! :P Wait...I just said it again...okay...this is the last time I'm saying what Magiccolo is...so there! :P ) , I read some random biology-related book that I was planning on reading eventually (it wasn't that long and I didn't even read everything because I knew over half of the topics already. :P ) , I started practicing my Declamation, played UR, went on this site, took a shower...and uh...that's about it...and this was all before noon. :P Jenna came over my place at around noon and we were helping each other out with our English Declamations and we finished that drawing...all we had to do was trace everything that was in pencil with micron pen and then color it in (It took a while...I wanted to make the drawing of the Abominable Sands in the first place just to use some 17 by 20 paper that I've had lying around for some time and never bothered to use and I thought it would be perfect for a landscape-type thing. :P ). Once we were done with that drawing and I asked Jenna if she wanted to take it home she said something along the lines of: "It's fine...it's a good drawing but I don't hang up posters or anything on my bedroom walls. And this is mostly your work." I was surprised she didn't wanna take the drawing home because it would give her nightmares or something. :P But...she doesn't hang up any posters or anything like that on her walls either. :P My bedroom walls have posters, drawings of mine, and sticky notes everywhere. :P And now that drawing of ze Abominable Sands is up there too...the second she left I hung it up on one of my bedroom walls...it looks really cool actually and just like what I had in mind. :D :P After we finished the drawing we ended up just watching something on TV and talking about random stuff. :P Before she left at around 3 we planned a date for Friday night (Don't worry...we'll be back at Jenna's place in time to see the Degrassi season finale. :P ) and ended up kissing again. :D Then she left...and I watched a little TV and now I'm making this blog while listening to Metallica music. :P That's been my day so far. :P After this I'm gonna play some more UR and work on my Declamation a little...and then relax and do nothing. :P That's all I haveta say about today. :P
RANDOM REQUEST: Listen to this song and tell me what you think about it...here's the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpINNxI5VjoIt's "The End of the Line" by Metallica...from my favorite album by them. :P It's such a good song...I'm listening to my ipod as I type this blog andI had to listen to this song three times in a row...dunno why...it's just such a good song. :P But then again...I absolutely love Metallica and I know that a lot of peoples don't care for heavy metal music...Jenna doesn't like Metallica either...I'm fine with that because at least she listened to a few of their songs for my sake. :P So...that's all I ask of you once you're done with this blog...click on ze link and listen to the song! :P Why are you still reading this paragraph...now I'm just ranbling on about nothing important. :P
I doubt anyone cares but on Monday I was on one of my favorite websites for online games and I came across a link for some MMO card game called Urban Rivals so I clicked on the link and made an account and stuff and it's a really fun game actually. :D I mean...I guess you could say UR is kinda dorky but I don't really care...it's fun and it gives me something to do over Spring Break when I'm not busy doing legit work. :P So...I'm probably gonna be talking about stuff relating to UR that no one has a clue about for a while until the semi-obsession wears off. :P Until then just tolerate me and my nerdy Urban Rivals talk...just like you tolerated my nerdy Bakugan talk. :P Bakugan isn't AWETHUM anymore in my opinion...the anime began to suck when New Vestroia came out but now it just absolutely sucks and I don't even keep up with it. And I'm not a fan of the new Bakugan either...they don't look as cool as they did before and it's just that everything's changing about Bakugan...it used to be more about strategy but now it's just about having the Bakugan with the higher G-Power which is just kinda boring and lame if you ask me. :P And Bakugan is one of the easier strategy games that I've played too...deck construction was SO EASY in my opinion...you just need to be good at math and planning combos...oh, and you needed to be a good shot before too. :P So...I'm not anti-Bakugan anymore but I'm not obsessed with it like I used to be. :P
Oh Zeus...that reminds me...WHEN WILL THE NEW MIGHTY B! EPISODES EVER AIR?!?!?!?!?! NICKELODEON NEEDS TO FINISH SEASON TWO!!!!!!!!!! I used to be absolutely obsessed with the Mighty B!, hence the username, and I still love the show but...it's hardly ever on and no new episodes have come out in months. :P I guess I'm not the most loyal Mighty B! fan ever but I really want the new episodes to air...if they ever air. :P Well...I won't let that get to me too much...I'm sure they'll air soon. I should just be happy that everything in my life is going quite well lately because that hardly ever happens. :P I don't have anything else to say so...Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)