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Blog #269 / Finally Some Nicer Weather! :P

So far during Spring Break the weather has been kinda suckish. :P I mean...the weather on Monday was pretty good but on Tuesday and Wednesday it was just dark and dreary and stuff outside...I personally don't like that kinda weather. :P But...then again...if it weren't for days of sucky weather the few days of ridiculously nice weather in New England wouldn't seem as AWETHUM. :P Well...since today is such a nice day outside I'm probably gonna spend some time outside...even if I just end up going for a long walk or something or I'm in the backyard working on a new sketch of Zyminga (a character in this story I'm working on...I haven't done much writing yet...only a chapter or two...I wanna do all the drawings first. :P ) but in robot form...that'll look cool...Robo-Zyminga. :P The should have a character like that in Urban Rivals. :D could be a 6/3 card with some life-gaining ability for each point of damage if you win ze battle and he could be a member of the Sentinel clan...yeah...that's a good idea. :D :P Anyways...I'll just end this stupid intro paragraph and get onto my day. :P's only like 10:30 in the morning at the moment and I woke up at around 7 so I haven't done too much today. :P I mean...I took a shower, I worked a little bit on my Declamation, checked some stuff on this site, played UR for about 30 minutes (I only lost one battle...I'm getting better at UR...and I'll be even better once Kenny and Uranus are in my Nightmare/Sakrohm deck...then I'll be like unstoppable. :P ) and now I'm on this site making a blog. :P Later today I'm gonna work a little more on my Declamation (it's near perfection now! :D ), play some more UR, work on that sketch of Robo-Zyminga, and I needs to call Jenna today...she's not coming over but I promised that I'd call her today at around can't break my promise. :P That's about all I have planned for my day...not as productive as today but then again...I don't have as much that needs to be done or that I want to do. :P I can't wait for tomorrow...Jenna and I are going on a date. :D We're planning on seeing a movie (probably that movie "Insidious" because it seems interesting and even though Jenna is kinda girly she does like those kinda movies. ) and then we're going back to her place to see the Degrassi: In Too Deep season finale. :D'll be a good night. I just hope Fiona tells Holly J that she likes her and they start going out or something...I mean...Fiona is a lesbian and Holly J isn't feeling "it" with Sav and those two would make for a cute lesbian couple so...yeah. :P Degrassi needs a lesbian couple anyways...I mean...they have a gay couple, Riley and Zane. Anyways...enough about Degrassi before someone virtually slaps paragraph! :P

Well...I don't have much else to say in this blog but...before I bid you farewell for today...

RANDOM REQUEST: No...this isn't to listen to something by Dishwalla, Alice In Chains, Metallica, or Iced Earth. :P I just feel that since most of you on this site are fine with the fact that I'm a lesbian and can accept it...I should show my appreciation for that in some way. I asked this before but no one made any suggestions. So...I was thinking that blog #275 should be something special. Just suggest something that you would like and whichever thing comes up most often in the comments will be what I end up doing with that blog...unless it's something totally stupid and there's no point to it. :P So...if you want blog #275 to be a blog party or another DWTHYW blog, or a blog where you can just ask me anything as long as it's not something too personal like my last name, just say so. That is all I ask of thee for today. :P

Oh, and last night I had this really wierd dream...I'm not entirely sure what it was about but I can kinda piece everything together and figure out what happened. :P Okay, in the dream I was the Master Musician again with Super Flute and Magiccolo by my side. I remember that I wanted to keep my identity a secret and no one would EVER know that the Master Musician was me...and so far it had worked out quite well. But...then for some reason my mom got me and white rabbit as a pet (Oh Zeus...I just realized why it might be a white rabbit! Not good...not good at all! Go away Alice! :P ),and apparently this white rabbit was evil but I didn't know that and it only liked me. But I noticed that as soon as this rabbit was in my house, there was WAY more crime throughout all of Boston! And I remember that one night there was this evil music monster that embodied Toccata so I went to fight this evil music monster with Super Flute and Magiccolo. I won...and then I flew home on the radio waves produced by Magiccolo and his incredibly high-pitchedness. :P But...when I came into the house...the door was open and no one was home.I found a note and then I read it and went to some wierd castle (it looked like the Nightmare clan's realm in Clint City from Urban Rivals. :P ) and saw that my mom, dad, little brother, and Jenna were all chained to something...I couldn't tell what...maybe just the ground. And...I found out that the white rabbit had done all of this! I tried to free them all from their chains but the white rabbit pushed me on the ground and pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at Jenna and said: "Take one more step and your girlfriend is dead!". Then I said: "Please, just let them can kill me instead." and then I took off my mask and laid down on the ground. I could feel the barrel of the shotgun on the back of my head, and then I heard this loud sound (like a gunshot) and I woke up. Oh Zeus...I really didn't need to have that dream! And it was SO cliche. :P I'll probably tell Jenna about that...she seems to like hearing about my random, lucid dreams. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just fulfill my random request or...YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: and I'm NOT really shall perish this time! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Sorry...I had to say that. :P Just please do my random isn't that hard...just say what special thing you want me to do with Blog #275...I would appreciate that. :D doesn't matter how I bid you farewell...and I can only doso in three languages which is kinda the time I graduate from BLSI'm hoping I'll be able to doso infive different languages (English, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and Ancient Greek.I so wanna learn AncientGreek because I am about one-fourthGreek and Spanish will just be so seems likea lot of peoples in Boston are now's pretty cool actually...I just wish I knew it and could speak it and understand some of it. :P )-MightyBFan25 (Alicia)