First of all...before I get to the second part of the title...this is indeed my 270th blog and once my 275th blog comes around...I have decided that it shall be a DWTHYW blog so you can do whatever the heck you wanna...I don't really care...just don't call it a party! :P I can't really stop you from saying that just to spite me though. :P So uh...just remember to comment on that blog when I make it and I think this upcoming DWTHYW blog will last for a week or so. It's really just to show some form of appreciation because most of you on this site are fine with the fact that I'm a lesbian and I really appreciate that and I wanna do something nice (Wierd...I'm not don't ever think that! :P I'm evil...and I'm hellbound! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I doubt I'll end up in Hell...and if I do, ha!, it'll be SO worth it! :D :P ) just because I really appreciate it. :D I mean...I guess it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about me but I appreciate the fact that peoples accept me for who I am. So...just comment on the blog when I make's for you peoples anyways...not for me...I know I'm gonna be epicly tortured already! :lol: :P Okay...enough of this paragraph...just comment on the blog and now I shall end this paragraph! :P
Oh, and before I tell you about how my date went (it was AWETHUM, by the way! :D )...last night I had a pretty wierd dream...and I didn't really sleep too well...I dunno why...I wasn't too tired but I just didn't stay asleep for more than one hour at a time. :P But...I did have a wierd was that recurring dream again. I was once again at my dad's place, and my little brother and dad were gone for some reason, and I was alone, on this site, making a blog or checking the forums or something, and then I looked in this wierd mirror again, and I saw the anti-me, who is apparently my unborn twin. This is actually the first time I've had that dream since I've known that I'm probablya lesbian, so...that made things kinda interesting. In the dream, we got into this epic fight with all this personal stuff, but then this anti-me brought up the fact that I'm a lesbian. Then I went on this massive rant, pulled the anti-me out of the mirror somewhat, kissed her (no idea why...maybe it was a way of spiting her...I have a strange mind...I'm not telling Jenna about this dream. :P ), threw this anti-me back into the reverse mirror world, and I picked up the mirror, and I was about to break it. Then anti-me said: "Fine, break my portal to this world, I could care less. But...just look at your own life, there is so much wrong with you, you should be ashamed of yourself! And now you're gay too?!" I said something along the lines of: "I don't care...I'm not ashamed of anything that I've done! I'm proud of all the decisions I've made in my life!" and then I broke the mirror. That was the end of the dream. I know I dream-bended it a little because I was in between sleep and being awake and that's when my dream-bending powers kick in...and I was so dream-bending that dream. I'm sure now I won't ever have that dream again...I managed to dream-bend it and finally give this recurring dream an end! :D I ended up waking up at around 6 in the morning (well...I got outta bed at 6...I didn't really wake up because I never really slept. :P ) and I went into the bathroom and just looked at myself in the mirror for a moment...I dunno why...I just felt compelled to do so. :P And I could look at myself know what...despite everything "wrong" with me...I'm happy with the way that I am and with the decisions that I've made in my life so far...I'm not ashamed of anything that I've ever done and I'm certainly not ashamed of who I am! That anti-me was wrong! And now...I feel even better actually because I had that dream and got to finally end it. :D Oh, and anti-me sucks at kissing apparently...that's what I gathered from my dream. :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P Sorry my dream is so cliche...I'm just glad I ended it and won't have that disturbing cliche dream ever again. :D
Now...before I get to my date...I shall talk about today. :P (Yeah...if all you care about is the date skip this paragraph. :P ) I didn't get too much sleep last night and I did have that epic dream so even though I'm kinda out of it due to lack of sleep...I'm in a pretty good mood. :D I woke up at around 6 and just kinda relaxed and did nothing all morning. Then at around 10 my dad picked me up (I didn't wanna spend Friday night at his place. :P ) and I just kinda did nothing productive today. :P I did a lot of work this week even though I've had no school and now all my work is done so I can just relax. :D At around 1 I ended up taking a nap and didn't wake up until like I did get some sleep...even though I'm still kinda tired. :P After that I just took a shower, went online on this site and to play UR, watched some TV, and now I'm making this blog while listening to music by Alice In Chains (right now I'm listening to one of my favorite songs by them, "Man in the Box"...such a good song! :D :P ). So...I haven't done anything too special or productive today. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P date? How did it go? Oh, quite well, thanks for asking. :P paragraph! :P Kidding...MightyBFan25 would never have a paragraph that short! :P I'll just tell you WHY it went quite well I guess! :lol: :P Well...on Friday at around 4 I took about an hour to get ready for my date (yes...I took an hour to actually take a shower and put on some decent clothes and stuff. :P ) and got at Jenna's place a little after 5. Her mom actually gave us a ride to the movie theatre and dropped us off. (I love the fact that Jenna's parents trust me around her daughter...her parents really do seem to like me...dunno why...all parents usually hate me. :P ) We got our tickets and snacks and everything and saw that movie Insidious. It was pretty good...I couldn't tell you too much about it though...I wasn't paying full attention to the movie. :lol: :P Yeah...don't ask what I was actually paying attention know quite well without me telling you! :P Anyways...Jenna's mom picked us up after the movie was over and brought us back to Jenna's place and we just hung out for a while. I got to talk with her parents a little more which was nice...her parents are very nice people...they are a little religious but they seem to know when to say: "Screw religion!" at the right times with certain stuff, like the treatment of LGBT peoples...thank Zeus too! Jenna doesn't deserve to put up with parents who don't accept her for who she is...and if she was in that position...I would feel terrible! And then we watched the Degrassi: In Too Deep season finale at 9. It was pretty interesting...I just hope Fiona finds a girlfriend soon because it's not gonna be Holly J. When the episode was over Jenna and I kissed again and then her mom offered to give me a ride I got home before 10. Then I went to bed shortly afterwards. :P It went quite well for a second date (ESPECIALLY when I'm still getting used to having a girlfriend. :P ) and we kissed again which I liked. :D So...overall...AWETHUM date with Jenna! :D I'm really happy about how things went. :D paragraph! :P
I actually forgot that even though I've told everyone who I see or talk to on a regular basis that I'm a lesbian a lot of my family still doesn't know about that. I don't feel like telling all of them to be honest...I'm sure my mom will end up saying something like: "Oh, hasn't Alicia told you that she's a lesbian". :P Kidding...I doubt my mom would do that to me. :P Seriously...I don't plan on telling most of them because they're all uptight snobs who think that they're better than everyone else and I'm sure that some of them will hate me and use the Bible to justify their hatred of me if they find out. I don't really care if they know or not though...I hardly ever see any of them. I'll tell my older cousin...she's awesome...she'll be completely fine with it. You know...I actually wanna tell all of those snobby family members of mine that I'm a lesbian! Yeah...why shouldn't I?! Okay...I'm telling all of them tomorrow when I go to my great-grandmother's house for Easter...I'll tell you how that goes. Probably not good but I don't care what they think because they're all snobs who hate everyone and their opinions don't matter! :D
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P This has been a rather long blog and I apologize for that if you actually read all of it. :P I just don't have anything else to really do with myself and I had a lot that I felt like saying in this blog. :P Well...I should stop making this blog even longer and just end it. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)