Before anything #275 shall be a DWTHYW blog and I wants all of you to read and comment on it because I'm making the blog for you peoples...not myself...I know you shall all go out of your way to spite me. :lol: :P So...just remember about that blog andcomment on it...or else!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And this time...I AM serious! :twisted: Kidding...I'm not one shall perish if they do not post on the DWTHYW blog...however...I will be somewhat upset if not that many peoples comment on it. :P Okay...that's all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P
This week has been good so far...nothing special has really happened. :P On Monday I had to go back to school and I had a lot of homework that night. :P On Tuesday I didn't have that much homework and I was done before 6 (that's early for me. :P ) and I had my English Declamation. Guess how I did on it... Did you guess...? No...? Okay...I shall wait for you to guess and then I shall tell you how I legit did. :P guessed now...? I can tell you. :P I GOT AN A+ ON MY ENGLISH DECLAMATION!!!!! :D I was SO HAPPY about this grade because on my other two English Declamations I got A's and EVERYONE has told me that aiming for an A+ on Declamation in Mr. Hanley's class is stupid because he doesn't give out A+'s even though he's an easy Declamation grader. :P But...this time I did an AMAZING job because I spent a lot of time over Spring Break working on it and Jenna helped me out A LOT and really helped me improve what I was already working on! :D So...the A+ was somewhat because of my efforts...but I really think it was due to Jenna's help that I got the A+ on Declamation in Mr. Hanley's class! :D After that I had History class and thanked her for the help and whatnot. :P That's all I haveta say about the past two days... :P
Now getting to today... :P was a pretty normal day actually and it seemed to go by rather quickly. :P Nothing special really happened except that Jenna had her Declamation for English class today (she has a MUCH harder English Declamation grader for English class than I do...but she still get A+'s on all her Declamations because she's such a good Declaimer) and she looked really nice actually...and she got an A+ on her Declamation as well! :D She always gets A+'s on her Declamations...public speaking is kinda her forte...I helped her out a little but she didn't really need my help too much to be honest. :P That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph... :P
Now getting to the other part of the title... :P Tomorrow my school is doing the Day Of Silence so I am not gonna be talking at all for the entire day...and I wanna take it a step further and not go on this site at all because it's still a means of communication and kinda like cheating if you ask me. So...I won't be on this site AT ALL tomorrow so don't ask where the heck I am and think that I'm dead or something...I'm just not going on this site at all! :P Tomorrow should be'll be much more quiet. :P And Jenna's doing the Day Of Silence as well which I'm glad about. :D
I can't wait for Friday night because it's Music Night at BLS so I get to go back to school and preform with the rest of Junior Band again like during the Holiday Concert. :D And a few days later the MP3's will be on and I can force you to listen to how AWETHUM BLS Junior Band is! :twisted: :P And on Saturday I'll be over Jenna's place for a little while. :P Oh, and she's coming to Music Night on Friday which should be AWETHUM!!! :D She's never went to a Music Night at BLS she's only going for my sake...which I think is rather nice of her to do. :D :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog and I needs to get off this site soon...even though I already did all my homework and it's not even 6 yet I have other stuff that I needs to do. :P Oh Zeus...and I needs Alice to leave my alone in English class! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)