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Blog #272 / Term Four Finally Over!!! :D

Before anything else...remember that blog #275 will be a DWTHYW blog and post on it. :D This blog isn't for my's for all you peoples. :P I'll probably put up that blog sometime next week...probably on Saturday or it's coming soon. :D :P So...just remember not to forget about the DWTHYW blog and if you do forget just pretend that you remembered about it. :lol: :P

Anyways...I'll just shortly tell you how my week's been since I last made a blog. :P On Thursday was the Day Of Silence...of course I participated in it because I personally like the message that it conveys...and I'm a just feel that I probably should...especially when I feel strongly about this topic. I was quiet for the ENTIRE DAY...all 24 hours! :D Not one slip-up...not one word at school or at home...I actually can't believe I managed to do that considering that I'm a teenage girl and I never shut up. :P I felt really proud of myself for doing that and I'm glad that I did it. :D Jenna managed to not say anything for the entire 24 hours as well which I'm glad about. :D I'm just annoyed that she wasn't tempted to talk to me...I mean...I am her girlfriend after all! :P Kidding...I could never be mad at my girlfriend. :P Other than not talking at all and having a few of my friends trying to get me to talk and having some jerky peoples call me some mean was a pretty normal day. :P I don't have anything else to say about Thursday... :P

On Friday it was just a normal school day and I didn't have any homework. :P Jenna came over my place because she was gonna meet up with her parents at BLS for Music Night. So we just kinda relaxed for a while and then I had to get dressed up all nicely for Music Night and we took the train to BLS. We met up with my mom and both of Jenna's parents and they all went to the auditorium and got seats and I went to the music wing for Junior Band's last rehearsal before we were on for Music Night. Before I left for the music wing though, we did kiss. Of course my mom and both of Jenna's parents saw that...the thing was...I'm sure they weren't happy about that and felt kinda awkward but they seemed fine. :P I's not like her parents said: "Alicia, we don't want you going out with Jenna ever again!"...and her parents like me. :P Then I had my rehearsal with Junior Band and then we preformed The Great Escape, Salvation Is Created, and Toccata...we did really good...we sounded better in rehearsal and Salvation Is Created wasn't that good...our other two songs were MUCH better...but we still did really good. :D (Salvation Is Created was actually our downfall in Micca...if it weren't for that piece we probably woulda scored Silver. :P ) After we preformed and our band left the auditorium I went back to the Music Wing toput away my flute and sheet music in the Instrument Storage room and I actually found Jenna in the Music Wing...I'm sure she knew I was gonna be there. :P We went back to the auditorium and listened to a few of the BLS bands after that and then we left. Before we did Jenna and I planned to go out later today and Jenna's parents shook hands with me and whatnot. Then I got home and went to bed. :P Oh, and I think my mom is fine with me going out with mom did say that Jenna seems really nice and smart and whatnot. :D Oh, and when the MP3's from Music Night are on I'll tell you so you can listen to BLS Junior Band which I happen to play in! :D

Today has been pretty good so far and I haven't done anything too special. :P I woke up at around 7 and took a shower and packed up my stuff. My dad came to pick me up at around 9:30 and shortly after that I had a dentist appointment...I HATE THE DENTIST!!! :twisted: :P I swear...the dentist dude hates me or something! :lol: :P Luckily my mouth doesn't kill me like it normally does after I leave the dentist...although it still hurts a lot. :P Oh well... :P After that I've just been doing nothing productive all day. :P Jenna and I are going out at around 5 so I won't be on later should be fun to spend more time with her. :D And I haveta return the favor of her going to my Music Night and listening to all my nerdy band geek talk yesterday somehow. :P Other than that I'm not doing anything special today. :P

Right now I'm in such a good mood though because I found another heavy metal band that I already love! :D I only have a few songs by them on my iPod but I'm gonna be getting more songs on my iPod later today. :P The name of this epic heavy metal band? :P This band is Beyond Fear...their music sounds AWETHUM...I mean...I just love heavy metal but's really good music. :P Listen to this song by them on YouTube called "Scream Machine"'s the link so laziness is no excuse for not listening to this epicly AWETHUM band: know I've been telling you to listen to random heavy metal music that I like so if you don't like heavy don't haveta listen to it. :P I just don't see why peoples don't like heavy metal... :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Okay...I personally LOVE heavy metal music...but I legit wanna know why peoples don't like it so if you don't like heavy metal can you PLEASE give me a legit reason...I really wanna know why so many peoples hate this genre of music. :P

Oh, by the way, I've seen stupid posters on the train saying that "Judgement Day" is on May 21st or something like that. :P I personally don't believe in any of that crap and I doubt "Judgement Day" is real and if it is...I don't wanna be with "God" for all eternity...I'd rather stay on this planet and put up with "The Apocalypse". :P Seriously...I don't believe any of that and I could care less about it. :P If you actually believe in that...sorry if I have offended you but this is just what I personally believe. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I guess I'm just gonna relax, play some UR, listen to Beyond Fear, and then I needs to get ready for my date with Jenna at 4 so I can be ready for the date at 5...I seem to take about an hour to get ready and look somewhat nice for this kinda stuff. :P And I need to come up with a way to get Alice to leave me alone! :P Honestly...if she is a lesbian and into me that way (I hope not...I mean...I have no problem if she's a lesbian...I would think that's cool. But I hope she doesn't like me! Why would she even like me anyways?! And she should know that I have a girlfriend. :P )...I would rather she think that I was straight even though I'm not. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)