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Blog #273 / Not As Busy As I Though I'd Be Today... :P

Before anything else...the DWTHYW blog will be sometime later this week probably and it's blog think I can make one more blog sometime this week and thenmake the DWTHYW blog over the weekend. :P So...start planning stuff to do to make the DWTHYW blog interesting if you please. :P Just don't forget to comment on that's not for's for all you peoples. :D :P That's all I needed to say in this one... :P

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my last blog but on Saturday afternoon I had a lot of fun on my date with Jenna in case you're wondering. :D It's hard to explain but I just really like her a know what..."like" is the wrong word...I think I love her...but it's hard to explain and I don't know how to describe how I feel...I've never felt this way before because well...I've never liked any guy in that wayand for the longest time I ruled out the possibility that I could be a lesbian (I really shouldn't have...and I did suspect that I could be a lesbian forawhile actually...but I guess I needed some proof. ) so...yeah...I'm new to this whole process. :P I'm sure later I'll be able to more clearly figure out my feelings though. I'm not really worried if Jenna likes me...I know she does (no...I'm not being cocky...I can just tell that she likes's hard to explain but I can just tell. ). And uh...I do apologize if I've wierded out anyone on this site by talking about how I feel about this matter. :P Anyways...other than that my Saturday was pretty normal and I did nothing productive. :P

On Sunday I didn't really do anything too special either. :P I just watched some TV, went online, listened to some music, drew a picture (it was a of the worst things I've drawn in months! :P ), threw out the picture when I finished drawing it, practiced the piccolo a little, and I watched the Amazing Race. :P Oh, and I called Jenna and we ended up talking with each other for about an woulda been longer but I had some stuff I needed to do. :P Oh, and since the weather is finally getting nicer outside...I get to play in the mud again! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Not NEARLY as often as I used to though...but I'm still gonna play in the mud occasionally because I feel like it...and I did just that on Sunday. :twisted: :P Not much else to say about Sunday... :P

Getting to today now... :P Back to school and the start of term much fun, isn't it? :D :P I'm being sarcastic. :D :P In Latin we did group work with the story Lucius Cornelius Sulla. In Biology we're learning about classifying different animals and plants and stuff. In English we watched a movie. In History we're learning about cultural diffusion in the Americas or something...I dunno...I wasn't really paying's hard to think with heavy metal music stuck in your head you know! :lol: :P In Italian we just reviewed the subjunctive and crap. :P Then I had a study and got some work done. And finally I had Math and we're learning about logarhythmic functions or something...I don't know how to spell that word properly. :P It's kinda confusing and I don't get it too well...I'm probably gonna stay after school for some help on it later this week...I hate asking for help in's degrading if you ask me...I'm a tomboy...I'm naturally good at's just kinda my thing! :P I can't wait for Ms. Chadwick to leave so I can get Math again and get my A+ without even trying again. :P When I got home I didn't have too much homework so I finished my Math project which took me about an hour and I was done with all my work at around 6:30. Then I took a shower and had dinner and whatnot and now I'm on this site making a blog. :P Oh, and if you're wondering why I've been willingly taking baths lately...well...maybe I'm getting somewhat out of the phase of playing in the mud and getting filthy to spite my mother...if that phase even exists...maybe it exists only for MightyBFan25 because I'm AWETHUM like that. :lol: :P And I dunno...I just feel that I should still play in the mud occasionally but not as often...and well...I have a girlfriend...the least I can do is take a shower and NOT be filthy. :P That's all I needs to say in this paragraph... :P

Last thing before I end this blog... :P I'm still trying to come up with a way to get Alice to leave me along in English and History's really annoying...she's acting like she's into me or something and it's like: "Dude, I have a girlfriend and even if I didn't...can you just PLEASE leave me alone!". :P And you know...I would just rather she think that I was straight or something or be messed up about my gender or something...just ANYTHING to get her to leave me the Hell alone! I mean...she's not constantly bothering me but it's enough to get me annoyed...I like Alice as a friend but that's it...right now my heart is fixated upon Jenna. And you know...I'm sure if someone just randomly met me for the first time...they could be messed up about my gender...I could see that least if you didn't take a close enough look at me. :P Unfortunately Alice knows my name...maybe I could change my name. :twisted: :P Kidding...I personally like my name...I just hate it when peoples mispronounce it. :P Well...I think tomorrow in Homeroom I'm just gonna tell Alice what I need to tell her instead of some grand scheme of mine...those don't always end up good and they're too drawn-out and take forever. :P time I make a blog...I'll tell you how that went...I just hope I don't get slapped or something. :lol: :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Before I end this blog... :P "Is there justice in this world? Just look around you and tell me what you see. Out there, all around, there seems to be a problem. The world is not what it used to be." Where the Hell did MightyBFan25 steal this quote from?! :P If you can answer this question I'd me quite impressed actually...but I think only MightyBFan25 can answer this question. :lol: :P

I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Oh Zeus...tomorrow I won't be on this site too much...I'm probably gonna have A TON of work tomorrow! :P Not fun! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)