Okay...before anything else...the DWTHYW blog will be coming sometime later this week and it will be the next blog that I make. :P So...I don't forget to post on that blog or you shall perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...no one shall perish...but I would appreciate it if you posted on the blog. :D :P Besides...I know you're all gonna ask me questions and call it a party to spite me because I'm sure I've annoyed all of you a lot up until this point and will continue to do so. :P So...just post on the blog whenever I make it. :P
Now getting to today since I made a blog yesterday... :P The title's correct...today's just insane...I had no work to do AT ALL when I got home from school. :D It's kinda wierd to not be busy doing tons of work...I guess it's just because it's the slow start of term five... :P I kinda like it though...although I managed to get bored within like 30 minutes of doing nothing. :P Well...anyways...today in Math we went over logarhythms again and now I get it quite well and it's easy up to this point...I guess I just needed an extra day and some more practice to get it. It's just that it uses different rules and stuff that I'm not familiar with and usually I can just look at any Math problem and automatically know what to do but that wasn't the case at first...but...at least I get it now...and I've heard that with logarhythms after you get the basics down the rest is easy so I'll be fine. :D :P In Latin we reviewed the story of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. In Biology...uh...I dunno what we did...something about ecology or whatever...we had a lot of off-topic conversations though. :P In English we got some backround information about Shakespeare and his sonnets and plays because we're gonna be starting Romeo and Juliet tomorrow (great...just what impulsive MightyBFan25 needs to be reading...Romeo and Juliet...yeah...not good. :P I'm gonna hate reading this book I bet...reading about foolish lovers who kill themselves...I just hope I don't fantasize random stuff while reading this book...that won't be good. :P ). I just think that this is like the worst possible time to be reading this book for myself. :P Well...whatever...I doubt anything will happen. I just hope that when we act it out in class we don't do the kissing scene and if we do...if I EVER had to kiss some guy...I'd just refuse to do it...I'd be like: "Okay dude...I'm a lesbian...I don't like you and I'mNOT kissing you!" and leave the classroom...I wouldn't care if Mr. Hanley failed me or something...I'd rather that than kiss some guy...the thought ofthat seems rather strange andcreepy to me.:P (I haven't ruled out the idea that I could be straight and like a guy someday but I don't think that's likely...andI honestly can't picture myself kissing some guy. :P )Anyways...in Italian we had a test on the subjunctive that was really easy...I got at least an A- on it. :D In History we watched a movie on the Byzantine empire or something...it was confusing and I didn't really get it...Jenna's gonna need to explain it to me tomorrow... :P Then I had a study and did my Math and Italian homework and I didn't have any homework or projects or anything in any of my other classes so that was about it...then I got home and did nothing productive all day. :P
Anyways...today after school I just got ready for tomorrow, watched some TV, listened to some heavy metal music (that's all you'll catch me listening to now. :P ), went online (this site and UR), and I called Jenna. We didn't talk for too long though...Jenna actually had work to do tonight... :P I'm surprised she didn't wanna stay on the phone and procrastinate on her work and just talk to be for like three hours. :P Kidding...Jenna's not a procrastinator...and even though we would both love to just talk to each other for hours on end...we both have schoolwork to do. :P That's about all I've done after school. :P I'm probably gonna work on constructing my Nightmare/Sakrohm deck in UR for like 10 minutes after I log off this site. :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph... :P
Oh, and today in Homeroom Alice and I had a conversation...the one I was planning to have with her actually. (Yeah...I didn't say to myself: "Never mind...I can't bring myself to say something like this to Alice." :P I felt the need to just tell her that I have a girlfriend and that I like her as a friend but I would appreciate it if she gave me some space. ) So...I basically told her everything that I needed to...she seemed fine with that to be honest and she's not gonna like stop being friends with me...she is one of my friends...but now she'll just give me some space. The thing is...I'm just really glad that I managed to say that and that she was fine with it. :D Besides...I don't get how any lesbian girl would like me anyways...it makes zero sense if you ask me. :lol: :P Maybe I'm a better person than I give myself credit for... :P Oh, and if you're wondering...Alice is a lesbian...or at least is more than likely a lesbian. But that is all I will say about the matter because it's none of my business to be talking about that stuff on this site. I can talk about my own life as much as I want but...not with other peoples. :P So...I'm just glad that that issue was worked out. :D Hopefully now she'll leave me alone and stop talking to me constantly in English class... :P
RANDOM QUESTION: Just curious but does anyone else on this site play UR (Urban Rivals)...it's this MMO card game thingy...it's pretty fun actually and I got hooked on it over Spring Break actually. :P So...if anyone plays it or has even just heard of it or seen the banner with Kenny on it...please mention it in ze comments. :P
Oh, and if you're wondering where that quote from my last blog came from...it's from the song "Your Time Has Come" by Beyond Fear. :P Such a good song...and the message might seem wierd but if you think about it...it makes some sense. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P One thing though...if you do by any chance ask me questions on the DWTHYW blog...don't ask anything personal like my last name, address, phone number, etc... And don't ask about my password for UR or something like that either. :P And uh...please don't ask too many questions involving my sexuality...you can ask some questions that are approperiate but honestly...if your question is just for the sake of being a jerk or making me feel embarrassed or something or it's just WAY too personal...I won't answer it and if you're being a total jerk I'll report you. But I doubt we'll have that problem because you peoples are all AWETHUM. :D :P Not much else to say... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)