Yes...this is indeed the 275th blog that I have made and this is the second DWTHYW Blog!!! :D can basically just do whatever you wanna in this blog...I don't really care. :P Just don't ask me questions and call this blog a party to spite me! :P Feel free to break anything or randomly beat up the neighbourhood bullies for me...that would be doing me a favor...but I doubt you'll do don't seem like violent, evil peoples. :P Anyways...this blog is just to show my appreciation for you peoples and it's for your sake...not mine...I know you're all gonna torture me. :lol: :P That's about it...have fun...go crazy...break stuff...I don't really care. :D :P case you peoples actually care about what's been going on lately...nothing special really has happened since the last time I made a blog so I'll just quickly talk about today. :P In Latin we're working on translating Caesar's accounts of the Gallic War. In Biology we're learning about ecology and stuff. In English we're reading Romeo and Juliet. In History we're learning about the Crusades now...the dumbest part of all of History...using religion to start a war and kill a bunch of stupid... In Italian we had a substitute teacher and did nothing. :P Then I had a study and did my Latin homework. :P And then I had a quiz in Math and I know that I got a 100% on it! :D When I got home I legit had no homework so today I'm just gonna relax and start working on my Summer Reading a little to get ahead. I wish Jenna could come over but tonight she's kinda busy. I'm not gonna do anything special today...just a lot of reading...I might be on UR for like an hour but I dunno... :P
Oh, and for my Summer Reading, the first book that I'm reading is one from the optional books list and that book is Slaughterhouse Five...I'm over a third of the way done with it and it's a pretty good book actually...I care more about the alien abduction than the WWII crap though. :P I might finish it tonight... :P I remember I told someone on this site who wanted me to read this book that I would but I don't really have the time but now that it's on my Summer Reading list...I might as well. :D
Last thing before I end this blog... :P A few nights ago I had a terrible dream about a zombie infestation at BLS. I remember it was a school day and I was in Biology class and then an announcement on the intercom said that there was a zombie infestation and we all had to go to the library because it was safe there. So we went to the was a long way from the third floor to the basement...but we were all somehow fine. And then we saw that the zombies were trying to get into the library so me and a few of my friends decided to go to the music we ran there and barricaded the two doors that you could use to enter there and then we just kinda relaxed and talked in one of the music classrooms that we locked. A few days later we thought it was safe to go outside and we were about to but then BLS collapsed and we landed in some open area and the zombies killed us. The end. :P Yeah...not a good dream... :P And a few nights before that I had a wierd dream that I met Ielena of the Nightmare clan in Urban Rivals and for some reason she liked me (not as a friend... :P )...I honestly think she was mixed up about my gender or something. :P And I remember that one night we were talking to each other and I mentioned that I was a lesbian and then she realized that I was a girl and seemed really p*ssed off at me...and I thought that she was a I didn't know any better in the dream! :P Then she said: "Well...maybe you can still be of some use to me..." and she snapped her fingers, turned me into a monster, and I was then at her beck and call to serve the Nightmare clan in Urban Rivals for all eternity... It was a really wierd dream...Ielena was pretty...but'd rather be with Jenna than some hot vampire lady. :P
That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Have fun at the DWTHYW Blog and PLEASE post on it if you wasted your time reading this blog! :D :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)