Before anything else...if you still wish to do so you can still post on the DWTHYW blog...peoples can probably still post on it for another week or so...or whenever I decide to make two more blogs...which could be a while. :P can still post on the DWTHYW blog if you want to but you do not have to. :P
It's been a few days since I last made a blog but in that time not much has really happened...just stuff that normally happens to me. :P So I'll just talk about today in this paragraph. :P I didn't really do anything too productive today...I finished reading A Farewell To Arms, my second summer reading book. I'm hoping that if I keep this up and continue to not be so busy I'll be done with all my summer reading in a few weeks or so. :D And I practiced the flute a little, went online (this site and UR), watched some TV, and I drew a random picture...I'd rather not say what it was of though...but it was something that my sick and twisted mind dictated my hand to draw. :P And I called Jenna a little while ago...we didn't talk for too long...but we did plan to see each other tomorrow...I'm gonna go over her place and from there we have some'll be fun. :D That's about all I haveta say about today really...nothing special. :P
Tomorrow is gonna be AWETHUM though! :D Okay...first of noon...A NEW MIGHTY B! EPISODE IS FINALLY GONNA AIR!!!!! :D I'm so glad that Nick didn't forget about the show and they're gonna continue airing the rest of Season Two on NN so I'm just really happy about that and I can't wait for the episode Gorillas In The Midst to'll be interesting...especially because Bessie is apparently gonna disguise herself as Ben and do all these challenges for him so he can join the'll be an interesting episode. Although I can't picture Bessie dressed up as Ben... :P At around 2 I'm going to see Jenna and we have some plans so it'll be good to get out of the house for a while and just spend some time with her. :D Oh, and when I get home I'm getting more music by Beyond Fear on my ipod so that'll be AWETHUM as well...and then I shall force those who do not like heavy metal to listen to it! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm bound for Hell anyways since I'm a lesbian...not being evil isn't gonna help me why bother being nice? :P So...yeah...I'm just really looking forward to tomorrow... I just hope Jenna doesn't wanna kiss me or anything...I'm starting to feel kinda sick and I have a sore throat (No...I don't have allergies either...I've never had allergies in my entire life and a few of my friends have had a sore throat and other stuff lately so I probably caught that from them. :P ) and I REALLY don't wanna get Jenna sick...I would feel absolutely terrible...I would feel terrible if I did anything to harm her in any way...even if it was something minor...I would feel terrible... for the end of the world...doomsday is supposedly 12/21/2012. "Judgement Day" is supposedly May 21st. I know so many peoples who are getting that mixed up. :P for "Judgement Day"...I can't wait for May 21st just so all the religious peoples will freak out and be all like: "Holy crap...nothing happened?!" and then peoples will actually begin to question their faith and start to deny the abstract concept of one dude who created everything and controls everything. Oh, and if it is real (which I highly doubt it is) I'm not being taken up to Il Paradiso...I'm evil...and a homosexual. :P So...go to Il Paradiso? Me? Hell no...all that is worthy of me is L'Inferno...and I shall be in the Abominable Sands when I die...and I'm fine with that actually. :P So...if "Judgement Day" is real...I'll still be here. :P But I doubt it'll be real...and if it isn't I can't wait to see all the extremely religious peoples all freak'll be funny. :P
You know...I just realized something a few moments I am probably what some would consider a foolish lover...or something of the sorts. :P I mean...I honestly think that I love Jenna but it's hard for me to tell because I have never loved anyone in that way before and I'm only 15 so what would I know about such an abstract concept as love? And then that gets me thinking that maybe I'm not even a lesbian entirely...maybe I just love Jenna. Or maybe I don't love her at all and I just really like her and it's all in my head. I dunno...I'm only 15 and I'm "experimenting" but I just kinda wish that everything could be sorted out in my head and I could know more about this confusing, abstract concept that is called "love"...but I'm sure I will eventually and things will make more sense. Well...for now Jenna is my girlfriend and I really like her and I'll just accept that for what it is and enjoy my time with her. Yeah...that seems fine I don't entirely lack common sense... :P If I did I wouldn't have come to that conclusion probably. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P After this I'm probably just gonna draw more pictures that my mom would wanna kill me for if she found any of them ( :P ), and I'll probably play Urban Rivals for a little while. I'm on a secret mission in that game...I'd tell you what the mission was...but it's a secret...and only skilled Nightmare players know of it. :P And if I complete the mission within the given time frame...I receive something special...but I shall say no more of the matter. :P Speak nothing of this, foolish mortals, and I shall not have to brainwash you all! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Vale. Oh, that reminds me...I scored Maxima Cum Laude on the NLE and I'm gonna get a silver medal. So...not as good as last time and there were no giggles about my last name and getting Summa Cum Laude but...whatever...I still get a medal and stuff. :P You know...I don't think Jenna's realized that my last name's a Latin word...I should tell her tomorrow...I bet she would find that interesting...she kinda sorta likes Latin...well...she would if she had a teacher who wasn't a total jerk. :P Vale...again. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)