Before anything else...if you haven't already posted on the DWTHYW blog and still wish to do so you may...just keep in mind that it will only be around for a few more days...if even that long. :P So...yeah. :P I'm peoples didn't torture me as much as I thought you would. :P Well...that's a good thing I guess. :P Not much else to say in this paragraph... :P
It's been about a week since I last made a blog. Not much has really happened in that time to be honest. :P Last Sunday was pretty good...which I'm glad about. :D I got to see thenew Mighty B! episode and spend some time with Jenna. I mean...the weather outside was terrible and I wasn't feeling too well so Jenna and parents insisted that we just stay there and watch a movie and stuff so we was enjoyable. I was just glad to spend time with her. :D The week wasn't that exciting...I've still been feeling kinda sick and I've been really busy with this Biology project, flute practicing, and reading stuff. So...I don't have much to really say about the week so I'll just get to today now... :P paragraph... :P's been pretty good so far actually. I'm at my dad's place and so far today I've been practicing the flute for about an hour (I'm working on playing my full chromatic scale...all three octaves...from low C to grand C...and it's going quite well. :D I actually looked at myself in the mirror while I was playing just on a whim and it's impressive to see how fast my fingers can move when I'm playing my full chromatic's kinda scary. :P I can freak out a bunch of my friends and be like: "Hell yeah, I'm a flute player, my fingers move like mad!" and then laugh evilly. :P ), I spent some time online, some time watching TV, and I've spent a few hours reading my fourth summer reading book called "Nemesis". I'm about 65 pages into the book and it's really good was hard for me to put the book down and get on this site...but I forced myself to do so and make this blog. :P I'll probably get past 100 pages before I go to bed long as the medicine I'm taking doesn't make me pass out before then. :lol: :P Yeah...I'm still feeling kinda sick but the weather's finally nice outside and I'm in such an AWETHUM mood and I'm feeling much better than I did a week ago...I'm hoping I'll be better in a day or two. :D I have any plans for later today? Of course I do! :P Those plans that Jenna and I had last week...well...we're gonna do those plans today since we couldn't last week because I was feeling like crap and she and her parents insisted that I do not go outside. :P After I'm done making this blog I'm gonna start getting ready for my date and go over her place at around 4:30. We're gonna go see a movie (it honestly doesn't matter to me which movie we see...I'll be too busy staring at her to watch the movie anyways. :P ) and then we're gonna go out for'll be fun. :D Then when I get home I'll come on this site and annoy all you peoples again! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...I'm looking forward to tonight! :D for "Judgement Day" (I really hope I don't offend anyone with any comments that I make and if I will please don't read this paragraph and if I did I apologize because I do not mean to offend anyone or their religion)...apparently "The Rapture" is gonna take place at 6 PM...I'll be on my date with Jenna and we'll be at the movie theater at that time. :P I honestly don't think that anything will happen and if something does happen...I will be uneffected...I'm a bad peoples...I was never confirmed and I never will be (I'm a bad Catholic...I doubt I'd ever be considered one if I was never confirmed and am not planning to be... :P ) and even if I was...haha, I'm a homosexual, I go against nature and therefore go against "God" so therefore all that is worthy of me is the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell, The Abominable Sands! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So...yeah...I won't be going to the good place. :P But honestly...I doubt anything is going to happen...and if it does...I wouldn't be blind to the facts...I would be surprised...but I would accept it if I had proof of the matter. Well...whatever...nothing is probably going to happen so I'm not concerned. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P If nothing happens when I get home from my date I might just make an EDIT in this blog and say something like: "Ha, nothing happened! :P "...yeah...that seems like something I would do for the heck of it. :P Oh, and do you remember that Mighty B! episode that aired last Sunday? It gave me an evil idea for a sinister plot that I shall carry out for a week or two during the Summer! :twisted: :P But...I shall say no more of the matter...although you can try to guess what the plan is. :P I can't wait for the new Mighty B! episode tomorrow. :D I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)