Indeed it is Memorial Day...which means that I don't have school today! :D I'm pretty glad about this actually because this is the first day I've had off from school in all of May and even though May has been going by rather quickly and I haven't been too stressed out...I need a day to just relax. :P That reminds me...May is almost over...I only have one month of school left! :D :P Oh, and I haven't made a blog in over a week...I guess I've been to lazy to make any blogs lately...sorry about that. :P I doubt you care though...I'm sure you find reading my ridiculously long blogs annoying anyways. :P Well...I'll get on and talk about this past week... :P
I won't spend too much time on this paragraph because well...last week I didn't really do anything too special. :P I mean...I've just been keeping up with all my schoolwork, reading, and practicing the really too special. :P In Biology we had to do group presentations and my group's presentation was on Ecology and we did quite well...I got an woulda been an A- but our group did a study guide which bumped up our grades by five points so it went up to an A (a 96 to be specific. :P ). :D Not my best grade but ah...I'll take's not necessarily bad...and to be honest...I've been getting A's in Biology all year...I've never gotten an A+ for some odd reason. :P Oh well... :P And in Latin we got assigned a group work project and we haveta make a vocabulary list and summary/translation and comprehension questions on some Latin passages from Caesar's Commentaries Of The Gallic War. It's really easy actually...and my group is actually pretty good. :D I mean...we're on top of everything and we already have most of our vocabulary list done and most of the translation. The project isn't due until Thursday and we're gonna get time in class to finish up our work. If we have some time we might make a poster board with pictures related to our passage and captions to get extra credit. :P Aside from that I've just been reading, practicing the flute, doing homework, and whatever else I normally do with myself when I have spare time. :P Oh, but Sunday I had an AWETHUM time...and I'll explain why soon...but right now I shall talk about how today's been going so far. :D
Today's been pretty good so far actually. :D I was kinda annoyed because I had a hard time falling asleep and then I woke up at around 3 in the morning (And wasn't because of "dead time" was because my leg was bothering me and I needed to put Cortaid on it. :P I'm just glad I didn't wake up my mom...she woulda been ticked off at me. :P ) and then I couldn't get back to sleep so I was just kinda staring at the ceiling for three hours and listening to Alice In Chains music. :P After that I went on this site and checked some stuff and played UR for a little while (I won all my matches which I was happy about. :D ). Then I read my last Summer Reading book called "The Piano Lesson" and finished taking notes on it (I took notes so I don't forget any of the information on the books because I need to write a timed essay on it on my first day back to school in English class. :P ) and now I'm done with all my Summer Reading...and I still have a month of school left before my summer even begins! :lol: :P That's anti-procrastination for you! :P One less thing to worry about. :D :P Then I re-translated the first small passage for my group-work Latin project because our first translatin was okay but it didn't completely make sense and wasn't as detailed and accurate asI would have liked it to be. So I re-translated it and now it's much better. :D Then I just relaxed for a while and now I'm on this site making a blog. :P Once I'm done making this blog I should probably practice the flute a little (My full three-octave chromatic scale is coming along quite nicely, by the way. :D I can play it quite well and hit all my notes at a pretty good tempo. :D I just have a hard time with the last three notes, double high B flat, double high B natural, and grand C...they use wierd keys that I've never had to use before and I really am having a hard time moving my fingers to them...I just need practice though and I'll get better. :D I still have two weeks before I need to play it for Ms. Dougherty. :P ) and I should probably take a shower for that matter. :P I needs to go over Jenna's place at arount 2:30...we don't really plan to do anything because the weather outside is kinda sucky so we're probably just gonna do nothing special. :P We'll probably end up watching TV, talking about random stuff, doing something Bakugan-related, or playing Monopoly. :P If we play Monopoly I can't be cynical like I usually am when I play. :P Yeah...I AM cynical when I play Monopoly. :twisted: :P So...aside from that I don't plan to do much else with myself today. :P I'll come home and just watch TV and take a nap or something...I could use the extra sleep seeing that I woke up at 3 in the morning. :lol: :P
Oh, and I watched those two new Mighty B! episodes yesterday. :D I LOVED Bang The Drum Timely because it was really funny. :D I wish we found out the jerk carrying around the hook. :P And Public Enembee was quite AWETHUM as was very suspenseful and still pretty comical. :D I loved how Happy was looking for the person who pulled the fire alarm at the Rec. Center with Bessie dressed up as a mime and then they walked in on a wedding and two guys were getting married. :lol: :P I found that HILARIOUS...I mean really...that was just funny...ESPECIALLY when the show takes place in San Francisco! :lol: :P I'm surprised NN hasn't gotten sued yet and if they have...I wouldn't be surprised. :lol: :P Overall...both those episodes were AWETHUM but my favorite of the episodes that have recently aired is still Gorillas In The Midst and my favorite non-special of Season Two would have to be either Bad To The Bee or Dirty Happy. But...either way...all Mighty B! episodes deserve a 10/10. :D
Now I guess I shall tell you why Sunday was AWETHUM. :P I don't feel like getting into too much detail just because well...I don't me...I doubt you'd care anyways and that means that I don't feel like wasting more of your time than you need to. :P But...on Sunday Jenna and I went to Belle Isle and went ona walk (I met her at her house before hand and we just did nothing for a while. :P ) and we went to this tower that a lot of people carve their names into (I'm sure you can see where this is going and how cliche it is the time it didn't seem cliche and stupid. :P ) and we were just looking at some of the names and noticed that no gay/lesbian couples had carved their names into the tower yet so we decided to be the first lesbian couple to do so. :D And you know what...if people read that...I don't care what they think...and neither does Jenna. :D And while we were walking we were just talking about stuff and we were holding hands. Then I posed the question: "What would you think if anyone saw us holding hands?" Jenna said one of the best things anyone possibly could and that was: "Whoever sees us can think whatever they want to." That's just awesome in my opinion...she doesn't care what other people think about us and to be honest...neither of us should. :D And I know that I don't care about what other people think...I never have. :P I would go into more detail but I'd rahter not. :P The point is that I had an AWETHUM time and so did Jenna. :D
Now...before I end this blog...I might as well mention that I have an evil plan for a week or two during the Summer! :twisted: :P I won't completely give it away but I shall give you a pretty good clue as to what I'm doing. :P Let's just say that with a few minor changes and going by the name of Dan...I could easily pass off as a guy for a week or two. I shall say no more of the matter though. :P I just wanna see how many people will actually believe me and fall for it and see how it's not what I would call an "experiment" (I'm not a transgender. :P ) but it's more of just an epic prank for my own amusment. :P I would love to be able to trick someone like VD...although that might be kinda risky. :P Well...I have plenty of time to plan it all out so I'm not too concerned. And now I guess you have good reason to call me crazy. :lol: :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog so I guess I shall just bid you farewell. :P Vale. Arrivederci. Bye-bye. It doesn't matter which language I say it in...they all basically mean "farewell". :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)