Yes...indeed it will...all Hell shall soon break loose at BLS because it is the last month before we get out of school...which means that it's our teachers' last chance to torture us and make us ridiculously busy and stressed out before we get to enjoy ourselves for two months. :P Lately I've just been really busy with work so I haven't done anything special. :P I guess I'll just give an overview of the past few days and then talk about today and my plans for the weekend. :P Yeah...that sounds like a good idea while I'm waiting for an email about my Latin paragraph. :P
Well...for the past few days I have been ridiculously busy and stressed out and I just wanna pass out. :P I've had to keep up with my flute practicing because I haveta play my full, three-octave chromatic scale for Ms. Dougherty in two weeks (It's getting there...almost...I just need a few more days. :P ), I've been working on this major 200 point Latin project (which I've been doing most of the work on. :P Curses, group members! :twisted: :P ), I've still had to keep up with all of my homework, and I need to start studying for finals...just History and Italian really. :P I don't need to study for the English final because it's the easiest thing ever, and I never study for Math, Latin, or Biology and I get A' the final shouldn't be any different. :P With Italian I know most of the material...I just need to review a little because well...I forget some things from time to time. :P And History...well...I need to study or I'll fail because well...I such at History. :lol: :P It might not seem like that much work and I've had times where I've been MUCH busier at BLS and I've gotten used to the stress doesn't make it any easier. :P So...since I've been really busy lately...I haven't had time for much else in the past two days...or today for that matter. :P On Tuesday I had a ton of homework and I spent FOUR HOURS working on a stupid Latin project! I didn't get to bed until about midnight...and I was doing homework since 3 that day. On Wednesday I didn't have as much homework but I spent another two hours working on the Latin project. I finished all my work at around 6 and then I practiced the flute and whatnot. :P Oh, and during the night since there wasa tornado warning I called Jenna and we talked on the phone for a while...I just wanted to make sure that a tornado didn't kill her...I think I'd wanna die if that happened. Now let's get onto today... :P
Today I had to stay after school to help my group work onour poster for the Latin project for about an hour. I didn't get home until 4 and I finished all my homework at around 6 because I didn't have much of it. :P I practiced the flute for a while and then I did some other stuff and now I'm online, waiting for an email concerning my Latin project and in the meantime making a blog because I don't know what else to do with myself online while I wait. :P Maybe I'll call Jenna later tonight...we should plan to do something with each other during the weekend. :D I dunno what...and I don't really care...I just wanna get out of my house and be with Jenna. :D I haven't had History for the past two days because of MCAS which also upsets me because that's the only class I have with Jenna...and I didn't see her at MCAS because she's in a different homeroom that's far away from mine...I'm in an obscure, low-numbered homeroom off to the side of the third floor. :P Well...MCAS is over and I'll see her in History tomorrow. :D Oh, that reminds me...tomorrow I have fun! :D :P And I'm being sarcastic. :P
Oh, I also remembered something else...soon I'm gonna haveta do a Math group-work project and I'll havea Latin Declamation, my Chromatic Scale to play for Ms. Dougherty, and finals. Yeah...these last few weeks of school aren't gonna be fun but I see a light at the end of the tunnel and I can't wait to be out of school. :D Right now my immediate concern is my Latin project though...but that's almost done...the only other reliable person in my group is doing the formatting for our master copy as we speak and then we're all gonna print out copies of it for our presentation...we don't present until Monday...but we're expected to be ready tomorrow...and we shall be ready. :D Now that I think about it...this has been my hardest and most stressful year at BLS so far...and I'm almost done with it and I've done quite well. :D But...I'll save the reflection of my ninth grade year for when it's my last day of school. :P
Oh, and I can't wait for the summer either. :D I'm probably gonna volunteer at the library a little to start earning my community service hours outside of BLS, I wanna practice the flute and piccolo so I can try our for Junior District next year, I wanna relax and enjoy myself, and I'm hoping that Jenna and I can take up some kinda hobby...not sure what though. :P Oh, and for one or two weeks I have an evil master plan. :twisted: :P Once it's over...I'm going to go on a massive rant about a topic relating to what the heck I was doing with myself over that period of time...but I'll save the rant for then...not now...I don't really have the time for anything like that now. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I guess I could talk about this dream I had last night but there wasn't much to it...I had a tea party with a bunch of stuffed animals that came to life and a few of my friends were there. :P The wierd thing was...nothing else happened...the stuffed animals didn't try to kill us or anything like that...and I ALWAYS have disturbing dreams! :lol: :P The only thing that I have to say that I hated about that dream was that I was wearing a dress for some odd reason. I haven't worn a dress since I was like 5 and my mom still forced me to wear whatever she wanted me to. my old school we had uniforms and had to wear skirts...I HATED that...and the uniforms weren't comfortable at all for that matter either. :P Well...if that counts...I haven't worn a dress since I've left my old school...not even for Declamation...I dress up nicely...but I shall never wear a dress or skirt as long as I live ever again...and that I swear...and I've sworn that since I left my old school. :P Not much else to say in this blog... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)