Yes...this is indeed my 280th blog. :P When I eventually get to blog #300 I feel the need to do something special...maybe I'll write it all in a coded numerical message...or at least part of it...I that point I'll be out of school...what else am I gonna do with myself? :lol: :P Anyways...getting to the second part of the title...I only have 11 school days week is a four-day week because I get Bunker Hill Day off, then I have a full week, and then two half-days and I'm out of school for two months! :D :P But...that's gonna take forever...seeing that I'll be ridiculously busy for those eleven days. :P Oh well... :P I haven't made a blog all I might as well just go through my entire week...which has been boring and ridiculously busy. :P
Monday: Nothing special happened... :P I had a ton of homework and started working on my Biology project on the sexually transmitted disease Granuloma Inguinale (it was the most obscure one I could find...and Ms. Stone was somewhat impressed because no one else in all of her classes had heard of it.Yeah...I'm AWETHUM! :P ). Then I practiced the flute and went to bed...I didn't really have time for much else... :P
Tuesday: On top of the Biology project...I got assigned an Italian dialogue! How fun! :D :P Not sucks. :P And we didn't get to pick our partners and I actually had to work with this b****y girl, SA, anti-me, total slattern in my opinion. :P I personally hate her...I'm sure you could've figured that out by the way I described her. :P class that day we got nothing accomplished so I did the entire thing at home. :P And on top of that I had a ton of homework and I had to stay after school for about an hour to start working on my Biology PowerPoint and I had to practice the flute when I got home. :P Yeah...of course I was p*ssed off. :P SA should go somewhere nel'Inferno (in Hell) in the afterlife...somewhere lower than the Abominble Sands...maybe ze Malebowges...or Cocytus...what other options are there...? :P Oh...I'll answer that...NONE...because a long time ago being a homosexual was totally unacceptable because people were ignorant...and some still are for that matter... That reminds I'l typing this I'm listening to Dante's Inferno by Iced Earth...MOST EPIC SONG's sixteen minutes and thirty seconds of pure epicness! :D :P
Wednesday: Not much happened in any of my classes aside from Italian. :P Since I had finished our dialogue Mr. Forina proofread it and then SA wrote down her lines for the dialogue and then her and one of her friends who was working with one of my friends, MV, were having a conversation and SA's friend was trying to do her Math wasn't going was something about ellipses. :P I hadn't learned it yet but I took out my Math textbook and taught it to myself in about five minutes and then explained it to her. :lol: :P Conic Sections are EASY...and fun for that favorites are circles and ellipses...fancy parabolas are okay...hyperbolas are okay as well but they're my least favorite. :P Anyways...then they were just carrying on their conversation so I started drawing a picture...I was just drawing whatever I felt like...I ended up drawing a more detailed version of the final form of Ielena of the Nightmare Clan in UR...hehe...yeah...I'd rather not show that to anyone...EVER! :P Anyways...I stayed after school to finish my Biology PowerPoint (it's due on Monday. :P ) and I had a little homwork to do and then I practiced the flute and actually got to relax. :P Oh, and then I memorized my lines in the Italian was easy actually. :P
Thursday: Nothing special was just ridiculously hot outside and I legit had no homework that night. :P Wait...I lied...something somewhat interesting happened...Jenna came over my place...she had no homework that night as well. :P The thing is that she lives in East Boston as well and she takes the Blue Line home but she has a much longer walk home from the stop she gets off on the train than I do from Suffolk I called my mom and asked her if it was okay and she was fine with it. :P Then at around 8 Jenna's mom came to pick her up (It woulda been earlier...but then there was the severe weather it was the perfect excuse for her to stay longer. :D :P ). work and nothing to worry about and Jenna got to come over...nice day. :D I enjoyed it. :D It woulda been even better if I had Dante's Inferno stuck in my head that day, I was crowned Emperor Of Ze World, and I had Sudokus that I could have solved after Jenna left. :P Oh, and I had the first part of my Italian final...I did well...I think... :P
Friday: Oh wait...that's today...yay...we're almost done! :P Uh...hmmmmm.....what have I done today...? :P In English we did stupid worksheets, in History we did stupid worksheets, in Math we finished learning Conic Sections, in Italian we reviewed for finals, in Latin we took part one of our final, and in Biology we watched a video about the development of the end they show a live birth...that'll be interesting when we see the end... :P That's about it. :P I had no homework...tonight I might call Jenna for a while and then I'm gonna eat candies, listen to Iced Earth music, and draw a picture...I'm drawing some Orlok-ish vampire boy because it would be a perfect opportunity to do a little experimenting with the shape of the's something I haven't done yet so I'll do it in pencil...not red pen like I normally do. :P Yeah...that's about it. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P The only thing is that I had that really wierd dream where I was at an evil charm school was such a terrible dream. I hope I have it again this night...I don't have school tomorrow because it'll be Saturday...that means I can stay in bed and drift in and out of sleep and in that state of being in between sleep and being awake I can dream-bend...and I'd LOVE to be able to dream-bend that dream! :D :P
RANDOM QUESTION: Do any of you peoples do what I call "Dream-bending" which is when you have some dream and you're in the phase of in between being asleep and awake and you take that dream and twist it around and make it better? Just curious. :P
Now that I cut off that paragraph where I was gonna say farewell...this won't be a paragraph...more like two sentences.:P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)