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Blog #281 / 7 Days Of School Left... :P

First of might seem somewhat far away but once I get to blog #300 I haveta do something special...but not a blog party or DWTHYW blog...maybe I'll write the entire blog in Latin or Italian...or maybe in a coded numerical message...yeah...the third one sounds like a lot of fun and NO ONE will be able to solve it unless you know what my favorite number is. :P Gee...I wonder what MightyBFan25's favorite number is...? :P I will tell you that I absolutely love the number five and any multiple of it is AWETHUM...but my favorite number is 25 because it's 5 it's like 5 acting upon itself which is just cool...and multiples of 25 are SO EASY to work with in Math. :P Wait...I just gave it away...oh well...I doubt you'll's only in my username after all... :lol: :P It'll still be a pain to figure out what the heck I'm saying though...I'll be sure of that! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Anyways...I only have seven days of school left and things are finally starting to calm down at BLS...which is always a good thing. :D :P I haven't made a blog all week though...I guess I've been to lazy to do so. :P make things quick this week hasn't been that bad or ridiculously busy. :P I did my Biology presentation and did quite well, I have my Italian dialogue memorized and present with SA on Monday (can't wait to not bother with her again...I now HATE her...and I'll tell you why when I talk about today in more detail), and we got assigned a Latin Declamation...I already have mine memorized and present it on Tuesday. This week I took my Italian, Latin, and History finals and they weren't that bad. Next week I have Math, Biology, and English finals...which will be RIDICULOUSLY EASY! :D :P That's just a quick overview of the week...everything else has been quite boring and uneventful aside from a few things that I will now begin talking about. :P

Today was pretty boring and seemed to take forever to go by. :P I missed Band and Math to take the stupid History final (Yay...miss Band and Math to take a History final...yeah...just what I wanted to do! :P ), in Latin we did some survey things, in Biology more people presented their projects on specific STD's, in Italian we "worked on our dialogues". I had already written our dialogue and I have all my lines memorized by heart now so in class SA andI had nothing to do so she was talking with her stupid friend who had to work with my friend, MV, who I honestly feel bad for...SA's friend is such an idiot...and she's nothing to stare at either...I doesn't matter to her...she's straight...but still... :P SA was being so annoying and instead of practicing the dialogue with me she wanted to just talk with her friend and clean out her backpack...there was so much trash in there...I don't get it...your backpack is where you keep your books, not makeup, tampons, a hairbrush, mirror, eyelash curler, perfume, candy bar wrappers, etc... :P SA and her friend were having such a stupid conversation anyways...they're total idiots if you ask me. :P SA is definately anti-me. :lol: :P Oh, and she asked me this question that basically was: "If I were a lesbian, would you wanna kiss me?". My response to that was: "No for three reasons. You're not my type, you're not that pretty if you ask me, and I already have a girlfriend.". She did that just to p*ss me off and I know it. Oh, and during their stupid conversation if they were talking about something they thought was lame or stupid they would say "Oh, that's so gay."...I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY THAT!!! I'm sorry but I hate that SO MUCH...why would you say something is gay when you really mean that it's lame or stupid? That's like basically saying that being gay/lesbian is lame or stupid and to be honest...I really take offense to that. If someone thinks that something is stupid...they should just say that it's stupid. I so wanted to slap SA for saying that but I didn't and I didn't say anything. I know she did it on purpose to...she probably knows that I'm a lesbian...that's why she asked me that question. Apparently everyone eventually finds out about this kinda stuff...oh well...she can think whatever she wants to and she can continue to be one of the many people who hate LGBT people...I don't care...I can't wait to get done with the project and never bother with the likes of her ever again. Anyways, in English we watched a movie and in History we watched Deadliest Warrior which was AWETHUM!!! :D :P

Then I took the train home with Jenna today and she came over my place for a while...she didn't feel like walking to her place from the stop she gets off of on the train and my mom was fine with her coming over. :P On the train ride I told her all about the stuff with SA in Italian class...she got so ticked off at her and I could was obvious. I was ticked off as well when SA said all that crap. Then we were talking about some plans for the weekend and tomorrow since we have no school because it's Bunker Hill Day. Oh, and on the Blue Line some lady seemed to not like least...she did when she heard Jenna use my name in a sentence anyways. :P Oh well...I don't really care. :P When we got to my place we had some random conversations and then I told her about my evil plan that will take place over the course of a week or two during the Summer. She was fine with it...although she does not want to see me as Dan and if she does she will not kiss me (understandable...and I'm actually glad about that too...I'd rather she refuse to do shows that she really is a lesbian and likes me the way I am...although I don't get how that ever happened...I'm an evil mastermind bent on world domination...who would ever fall for me?! :P ). Oh, and she turned it into a bet actually...she doesn't think I can go for two weeks passing off as a guy...she apparently doesn't know just how boyish I can be from time to time. :P Of course...if I win (which I will...obviously. :P )...I wouldn't do anything to be honest. :P That's probably one of the wierdest things ever...I'm having a bet with my girlfriend that I can't pass off as a guy for two weeks during the summer. :P Oh, and I know I could probably go on at least one date with a straight girl...but I wouldn't do that...I can just say that I already have a girlfriend...which isn't a total lie because I do have a girlfriend. :P Anyways...Jenna left at around 6 (her mom came to pick her up) and I've been doing absolutely nothing since then because well...I had no homework tonight. :P

Okay...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait for school...I get to sleep in! :D I'll probably be somewhat wouldn't hurt to practice my flute and work on my Italian Dialogue and Latin Declamation... :P Oh, and a few nights ago I had this cartoony dream...cartoony-me was an emotional train-wreck and apparently wanted to take it out on everyone on the planet (I dunno what happened to make cartoony-me an emotional train-wreck...although I do know that breaking up with Jenna would do that to me), and so cartoony-me began to run for Emperor Of ZeWorld and won the election and made the world this AWETHUM utopia. But then the backround went all black and there were flames as well and cartoony-me came back decked out in this crown/helmet thing, a sword, cape, and some really intimidating-looking clothes. All the items were either maroon, violet, gold, or silver. And cartoony-me laughed evilly and left. I dunno what happens after that...probably nothing good and now I really needs to stop listening to power metal. :P Oh well... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)